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Treeing Tennessee Brindle - Fun Facts and Crate Size

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 Treeing Tennessee Brindle dog crate size

Treeing Tennessee Brindle 

Quick Facts:

  • Not AKC recognized at present
  • Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
  • Size: medium
  • Energy: medium to high
  • Recommended Crate Size: 36” dog crate*

Return to main Dog Crate Size Breed Chart.


This handsome dog knows he’s “the stuff”.  He’s a proud hunter that hails from the Appalachian and Ozark Mountains in the United States where moonshine was once made by the bucket-loads during the prohibition years.  But that wasn’t what gave this dog his thrills.  Nope.  He’s always been into the game of chasing a critter up a tree...and keeping him there.

Courageous, smart as a whip, and very focused, this dog has what it takes to make an excellent treer.  He’s agile and athletic, able to run endurance races like none other.  If you’d like to give this dog a run, read on to find out what the course might entail.


The Treeing Tennessee Brindle is bred from Cur dogs and with the purpose of being an excellent open trailer and being exceptional in his ability to follow scents.  He aced his challenge and can sniff out and trail any kind of game, large and small.  He gets the game up a tree and you’d better believe, it’s not coming down.  He simply won’t have it and if it dares to...well, that’s a huge mistake.

The Treeing Tennessee Brindle bays and bays once he’s treed an animal so that the hunter can come and do what he will with the treed creature.

The Cur dog that he originated from is a Pariah Dog which is the name for a mixed breed of sorts that was common to England but also are in North America.  The dogs were generally cattle herding dogs with short tails and big spirits.  They were excellent at their jobs.  This type of dog is a forefather of the Treeing Tennessee Brindle and is no doubt where he gets his drive and work ethics.   Curs, or Mountain Curs, come in a variety of colors like brown, brindle mixes, blue, black, and yellow.

The Treeing Tennessee Brindle is smaller in size and has shorter ears than the Plott Hound, his cousin.  They also have shorter ears.  They sport an amazing baying voice and seem to master everything about the treeing feat they were designed to accomplish.  That’s just the stuff they are made out of.

The development of the Tennessee Brindle dates back to the 1960s when a preacher man by the name of Reverend Earl Phillips had a hankerin’ for the breed of Curs that he noticed were tiger striped.  He wrote about them in a hunting dog magazine column.  He then placed emphasis on the unusual stripes but also in the fact that they were exceptional treeing dogs. His fascination led him to contact the fanciers and owners of such dogs and questioned them.  In 1967, he contacted them once again and urged them to protect and promote the exotic hunting breed. 

It was soon discovered that not only was the Tennessee Brindle an excellent treeing dog but also a lightning quick runner which added even more value to his hunt.

That was when the official Treeing Tennessee Brindle Breeders Association was established.  It was based in Illinois on March 21 of that same year.  Although the American Kennel Club didn’t recognize the breed into its purebred organization, it did establish a foundation stock for it so that the pups can be registered and a standard is set.  The Tennessee Brindle was formally recognized into the Foundation Stock Service Program of the American Kennel Club in 1995 and records have been faithfully maintained of the breed ever after.

The Treeing Tennessee Brindle is mainly bred in Kentucky, Virginia, Ohio, and Tennessee where it is the most popular.  Many are still actively treeing small animals and even larger game.  These guys are not about to back down.  You can bet on that.

They are excellent trailers and make great companion dogs as well.  They get along well with humans and become quite attached.  Treeing Tennessees are known to be great with children and even with other pets.  Of course, they require socializing as any dog does.  But with proper training and social skills, they are awesome family dogs.

They are loyal almost to a fault but are not aggressive unless that’s what it takes to protect those whom they love. It is up to you, the owner, to teach your Treeing Tennessee Brindle the commands of who is a friend and who is a foe.  Their opinions aren’t always correct.  They may think the mailman has come to kill but an intruder with a treat in hand is a friend.  Still, with training, this dog is an awesome protector and a friendly soul.  He just needs to know when to fulfill each role.

It seems the word is getting out about how awesome these dogs are.  They’ve never been in the top, most well-known, group of dogs but their numbers are ever increasing all the same.  The Treeing Tennessee Brindle Breeders Association has grown to now have 500 members all around the United States and the trailing, treeing pro grows in popularity.

This is one of the only dogs who can really and truly climb a tree.  He can climb most anything for that matter.  It’s important to know that about a Treeing Tennessee Brindle in case you decide to take one into your life...and into your back yard. He can usually climb his way out so, beware.  He can also climb your furniture and chase your kitten up a tree.

This dog is tough too.  Treeing critters can be very dangerous.  They don’t all willingly go up a tree.  And, sometimes they attempt to come back down.  He is simply not going to have it.  No way!  He’s as stubborn as the day is long and will either get them to go back up or he’ll fight it out if need to.  The prey often times start fights too and sometimes they are quite tough and some are large.  But, the Treeing Tennessee holds his own.

You might encounter some singing along the way if you bring this lively guy into your life.  He has a beautiful song he belts out when he’s successfully treed a critter, or, whenever else he chooses to do so.  To hunters, his voice was angelic for it meant they had a catch.  But to pet parents not involved in a hunt, and to neighbors or other family members, the barking and baying can be a nuisance.  You’ll want to prepare ahead of time to train him when it is and isn’t alright to let loose in song.

Robust and happy, independent yet loving and loyal, the Treeing Tennessee Brindle is a specialized dog that is happiest when in his own habitat.  He loves the great outdoors but can be happy as a family dog, coming in at night and throughout the day.  He will never make a good apartment or small condo dog though.  He has too much tree and trail running through his blood for being confined.  And, you wouldn’t want to change that...would you?


The Treeing Tennessee stands about 16 to 24 inches tall.  He weighs in around 30 to 50 pounds.  Females run a tad smaller as a rule.  The breed was specifically designed to be the exact weight and height they are for optimal treeing practices.

The Treeing Tennessee has a unique look about him.  His head is rather large and his muzzle is prominent.  His lips slightly hang but not too much so. 

The ears of the TTB are set low and are shaped as a pendant.  They are strategically placed to enable the maximum in hearing, both on the ground and above it whereas Bassets and other Hound Dogs have very low ears that pick up scents and sounds from the ground, this breed picks up scents and sounds from above the ground as well. 

The Treeing Tennessee is known for his unique coat.  He’s a gorgeous guy.  It is also very good at keeping him camouflaged when he’s on the hunt.  He has a coarse, short coat that is always brindle in color although it can include some black in the mix and his feet and chest may sport a bit of white on them.

Everything about this dog speaks volumes of his ability to tree and to trail.  His physique is blueprinted for the job he does.  His coat is short so it doesn’t accumulate burs and other things that might harm, irritate, or distract him.  His ears are trail ready too. 

His legs are lean and muscular.  He is quiet and agile, very athletic through and through.  He’s an endurance racer.  If the hunt takes all day, so be it.  He shall endure to the tail end.

The brindle coat is significant because it helps him blend in with the scenery, especially at night because his coat is a dark shade of brindle.  Truly this dog was born ready for the hunt.

Pet Crate Size

Pet Crates Direct recommends 36” dog crates for most adult Treeing Tennessee Brindles.

More Information


Extremely affectionate, loving as can be, and unbelievably sensitive at heart, the Treeing Tennessee Brindle is bounding in personality, contrary to most Hounds.  He is a super quick learner and is extremely intelligent.  He had a big job to do on the hunting, trailing, and treeing of his prey which requires a lot of smarts.  He hasn’t lost any of his intellectual qualities, nor his loyalty and lovingness.

This pup does have a few flaws as a family member.  He can easily view other animals as prey, even if they happen to be family cats or hamsters.  You’ll want to condition him early on and never leave him unattended with small creatures that scamper.  Or, you might reconsider bringing him into such temptation because old habits do, indeed, die hard.

Well behaved children will find security and love from this breed though.  He loves them and will protect them until the bitter end - going out on a limb at all costs to serve those he loves.  He won’t tolerate being picked and pulled on, however. 

The Treeing Tennessee has a mindset that he is the one to do the hunting, not vice versa.  If he feels threatened, he will respond. It’s a natural reaction stemming from his job as a tracking and treeing pro.

This dog is certainly one of the best-behaved Hounds you’ll ever hope to meet.  Just ask the Reverend Earl Phillips who fell in love with the Tree way back in the day. 

Being a Hound, he’s going to have some naughty tendencies.  Barking, climbing, being stubborn, chasing things,...they all go along with the territory of the Tree.  But, he’s highly intelligent and very trainable too.

If this is your first go-round in dog ownership, the Treeing Tennessee might not be the ideal dog for you.  If you aren’t very active, you might pass on getting one too.  This dog is all business when it comes to hunting, trailing, and treeing.  He takes it to heart and rightly so.  It was the job he was created for.  But, he’s also a lot of fun.  He can be a prankster to gain attention.  It’s very humorous to see such a sporty dog as a comedian on the side.


What you feed your dog is truly what he becomes.  You can’t trust every dog food.  That is being made known more frequently now than ever.  Tons are recalled each and every year.  Even those that aren’t recalled often contain harmful chemicals, useless byproducts, and marketing manipulation in their ads and even plastered on their packaging.  Don’t let that sweet puppy face fool you.  Always check the ingredients and do your homework on your best friend’s food. 

It’s also a wise idea to talk with his vet and/or breeder to see what brand and type they recommend.  This dog is quite active so he’ll need to be fueled with plenty of protein.  You’ll also need to know what is advised as far as quantity and frequency of feeding.  No doubt he’ll need timely small meals at first throughout the day but then he should taper down to just one or two.

You’ll want to make sure your Treeing Tennessee is getting his full share of exercise and not eating in between meal snacks or gobs of treats.  He loves to eat which is usually alright - he burns up lots of calories when he’s in his element.  But, when he isn’t able to burn it off, there can be problems.  You sure don’t want him to become overweight.  An obese dog is as unhealthy as an obese human is.  Obesity opens the door for a myriad of health conditions like Diabetes, heart disease, bone and joint issues, and oodles and gobs of other ailments you’d never wish on your furry one.

As with all animals, it’s imperative to keep plenty of clean, fresh water available at all times, especially if your Treeing Tennessee Brindle is outdoors.


This dog is bounding with energy.  He’ll need a lot of exercising to get his pent up energy out or he’ll be downright miserable, unhealthy, and ornery too. Nothing less than an hour a day or devoted walking will do for him.  It can be divided into two segments if you need it to be.  He will be fine with it all at once...or even twice.

Before attempting to walk this fine fellow, remember that he is used to doing everything to the beat of his own drum.  Sure, he answered to his owner or a hunter who was in charge, but that was it.  He certainly wasn’t leashed.

You’ll need to get him used to his leash.  He’s very strong, very quick, and very given to chasing small (or large) creatures so you may want to consider a harness-type leash for him. 

Always make sure that you invite him to go on the walk.  Lead the way.  Never allow him to walk in front of you.  He should always be behind or beside you.  You’ll also need to make sure he doesn’t get sidetracked with all the smells he’s sure to encounter.  If he does, just nudge him along.  Never let him indulge.  Establishing yourself as his alpha leader is imperative if you want to have a great Tree...and, of course, you do!

In between walks, he’ll need to get more energy out.  If he’s a hunting dog or is on a ranch or farm where he can romp, he’ll tend to that matter himself although he’ll also treasure the time you spend playing with him too.

Frisbee, chase the ball (or you), Hide-and-go-Seek, and anything else involving running, chasing, fetching or catching are right up this guy’s alley.  You can create scent games so he can sniff out things like a tasty treat morsel or bone.

Don’t forget that the Treeing Tennessee Brindle is a lively dog who is used to doing some serious problem solving when on the trail.  He will need a lot of mental stimulation in addition to scores of physical exercise.  When he has both, he’ll be a happy, healthy pup.


Talk about a winner!  This dog can hunt, tree, and do tricks too.  He’s very bright and is dying to please.  By building on these things, you’ll have a champ on your hands.  But, be forewarned, he is independent too and can be stubborn.  Keeping training time very positive is a huge plus.  Capture his focus by making it fun and including things that are in his field of trailing, things that involve scents, and plenty of activity.  Once you have him on your side, you simply can’t go wrong.

Since you will have already established the chain of command, that you are the leader of the pack, training should fall into place although you will probably have to remind him every now and again.  The more time you spend with him and the better the bond between the two of you, the more accepting he will be of your authority.  Be sure to keep calm and be assertive yet gentle and kind.  Reward him with plenty of praise, some pats, and a yummy treat from time to time and he will be the best student ever.

Because the Tennessee Brindle is a Scent Hound, he’ll be easily distracted by scents and even by sights.  It is best to find an area where he can focus that there are not a lot of distractions.  You sure don’t want to try to train him near a garbage pail, a steak restaurant infusing the smell of brisket into the air, or where a family is indulging in a yummy picnic.

Usually, the first training class is housebreaking.  Your Treeing Tennessee may not spend a whole lot of time indoors, or none at all, but it’s still a good idea to teach him the ropes.  You never know when he might need to stay in like during severe weather or if he is nursing an injury.  He should take to housebreaking really well.  He’s one who naturally wants to do his business outside and the elements never really interfere with his going out’re in luck.

Once potty training is a success, it’s time to move on to bigger and better things, like socialization.  This is one dog who definitely needs to be socialized.  He’s a great tempered soul but needs direction in determining who is good and who is sketchy.  Bring him around all temperaments of people including those who are loud and those who are very quiet.  Make sure to take him around young and old alike. Expose him to loud, busy places and to places of solitude where he is expected to be quiet as well.  Take him around other dogs and even cats but watch him with the cats and never leave him unattended with them or pocket pets. 

Obedience training is next up.  Learning obedience is for his sake and safety as well as for those around him, both humans and animals.  Teach him the basics, but by all means, don’t stop there.  He’s worth of more and certainly able to master them all. 

This dog will require some extras in the mix - like manners.  All that baying, climbing, sniffing down the hallways, trailing the all has to be tailored or deleted.  Sure, he can climb...when it’s appropriate - just not on the furniture, or the car, or as an escape route.  He can bark and bay all he wants when he’s out in the countryside.  It’s up to you to train and teach him so he can be a good little fellow.

In addition, you’ll want to teach him not to jump up on people and not to tree them or sniff out things in the trash.  A little correction goes a long way with this guy.  Be gentle and positive and he’ll catch on.

Although Tennessees can be easy to train because they are so intelligent and they aim to please, they are also very set in their ways.  Imagine what discipline it takes to actually trail and tree an animal that doesn’t want to be tracked and treed.  Persistence and tenacity are required in gigantic volumes.  That is what this pooch is made of in no uncertain terms.  So, you’ll have to break his will without breaking his spirit which can be easier said than done.

If you find it difficult to train this breed, it may be because your own training skills need some sharpening.  You can find advice and tips online or can even get books and eBooks on training dogs. Or, you can seek the assistance of a professional.  Either way, he needs and deserves to be trained.  Also, be sure that he is trained without a treat in your hand as a ready reward.  If he only does tricks or obeys for treats, it’s not him who is trained if you catch the drift.

Lure course training is ideal for the Treeing Tennessee.  Lure coursing involves a mechanized lure system with pulleys that actually stimulate chasing live prey, complete with the elements of surprise and unpredictability.  The trail zig-zags around for endless fun for all.  It’s as fun for you to watch as it is for him to take part in it.  You’ll find a lot of information about lure coursing online as it’s becoming a very popular dog training activity in North America.  You’ll probably also see that the information refers a lot to Sight Hounds but Scent Hounds, like the TTB are excellent at it too.  In fact, any dog, especially those with a prey drive, can do the course for fun.  To qualify for AKC competition, there are stringent rules, however.  Your Tennessee will be about to learn to follow and endure and he’ll be able to master the agility and speed that will help him become a sure winner on the course.  You can take him to a formal lure course or build one right on his own turf.  This type of training accentuates his obedience training and also provides physical and mental exercise for him.

The agility course is another training class this dog does quite well on.  It entails a handler directing a dog through a course of obstacles that include hoops and other things he will go through, under, or around.  The Tennessee will no doubt master the course in no time flat.  It is great physical and mental exercise for him. It is also conducive to his following of instructions.  You can take him to a local, formal class or you can also easily build him a DIY course in his own backyard.  Instructions are available online.

Trick training is a blast with this breed.  If you keep the lessons within his field of interest, the sky is the limit.  Put a morsel of food or a tasty treat in one hand without him seeing.  Close both hands and let him sniff out which hand holds the goodie.  Let him how you which hand it is in by nudging the appropriate hand.  He will master this trick instantly.  There are tons of other tricks specially designed for the Scent Hound.  You can find them online or in books of tricks for dogs.

Brain game based tricks are awesome for the Tennessee Tree too.  He’s not only super smart, but he’s also clever too.  He can solve treat mazes and work doggie puzzles.  His days sniffing out critters on the trail prepared him for these fine games.  He had to use a lot of problem solving to not only find his prey but to get him up a tree too.  Then, once up in the tree, he had to make sure he didn’t come down and if he did, the challenge got even greater.  Be sure to exercise your Treeing Tennessee’s mind with brain game training.  A sharp mind like he has is a terrible thing to go to waste.

Tennessee Brindles were ultimately born for training.  They were first bred to serve a purpose so humans were the ones to let them know what their purpose was.  Although trailing and treeing comes naturally to them so not a lot of instructions have to be given, there are some laying down of the rules.  The TTB mastered the task.  He will master your training lessons too if you make sure to do your part and be assertive, calm, positive, and praise him every time he gets it right and even when he just attempts too.  Don’t forget, he’s more sensitive than you think.  But, he loves his family, loves to please and if all else fails, he loves food so a kibble or treat can certainly come in handy when done in moderation.


One of the best things about a Treeing Tennessee is that he requires very little grooming.  He is super easy to care for with his soft, short hair.  He does need some brushing, like once or twice a week to keep his coat healthy, the blood near his skin circulating, and to minimize the little bit of shedding he does.  Plus, he will love the positive strokes and it makes for good bonding time.

You may want to bump his brushing up a bit during the change of seasons, as he’s likely to shed more.

Now a bath, he may not love.  Don’t worry though, he only needs one a few times per year.  You can even bathe him outside with the water if you and he are more comfortable doing so.  Be sure to use a dog-friendly shampoo that is hypoallergenic.  Fluff him dry when he’s well rinsed.  Bathing him too often will alter his coat which is specifically designed to protect him from the elements.

You’ll want to keep his ears extra clean and dry as well.  He tends to be outside a lot if he has things his way so he’s prone to get debris and bacteria in his ears which can lead to ear infections.  Untreated ear infections are quite dangerous and can warrant surgery or can leave your dog deaf.  If you notice redness, swelling, or if he is pawing at his ears, take him to the vet clinic immediately so you can have them checked out.

Once a week it’s a good idea to see how his toenails are faring.  He will need them trimmed and clipped occasionally but he will most likely wear them down on his own for the most part since he’s a dog who loves to be outdoors.  If you note any splitting, chipping, or overgrowth, manicure them right away so they don’t get worse.  Keep an eye on the pads of his feet too so you can keep them clean and to see if he’s gotten into stickers or thorns which this breed tends to do.

Check this breed for ticks and fleas each time you spend time brushing him or playing with him.  Being out in the elements, he is prone to get such things.

This pooch loves to sniff things out so do be sure his face and nose is free of dirt and debris.  Also, his eyes can be problematic because they can get dust in them from the trail.  Clean them with a warm wet cloth and dry them off as well.

Don’t forget to brush your Treeing Tennessee’s teeth.  Doing so will help prevent tartar buildup which is a leading cause of tooth decay and gum disease.  It will also make his breath smell much better.  Hounds can have stinky breath as a rule.  Using a doggie friendly toothpaste and a doggie toothbrush is helpful.  If the toothpaste is tinted with a doggie enticing flavor, he will usually be ecstatic to get them brushed.  Hounds love food and anything that resembles food!

Treeing Tennessees are one of the most maintenance free dogs ever.  There’s never a need to have them pampered like polishing their nails or having their coat shaved.  That is one of the things that attracts TTB fans to them in the first place and allergy suffers tend to love the breed too since they barely shed at all.


The Treeing Tennessee Brindle is a very sturdy and healthy dog.  That may be due, in part, to genetics and may also be because he is so active and athletic.  His life expectancy is between 10 and 12 years.  There aren’t many ailments that plague the breed...but, there are some.  Being aware of the potential problems he might come down is helpful so you can seek treatment immediately and give him the best chance of getting back to being healthy and happy.

For starters, be sure you get your Treeing Tennessee Brindle from a reputable breeder.  This dog is somewhat rare which makes it tempting for irresponsible and greedy ones to latch onto.  You certainly don’t want to support such individuals and organizations.  You can also check shelters and organizations for Treeing Tennessees.  Many potential TTB owners in the past have found the breed to be too much for them and have surrendered them.  It’s always great to give a pooch a second chance.

Here are some health conditions that Treeing Tennessees may be prone to:

Hip Dysplasia is one of the most prominent problems the TTB faces.  It can be caused hereditarily, through the passing down of genes, or can be environmentally rooted.  Most commonly, Treeing Tennessees suffer from the weak gene but the fact that they are so active and typically cover all types of terrain make it double jeopardy for them.  The ailment is a malformation of the hip joint and femur bone which makes them not lock together properly.  Movement is stifled and eventually, the deformity grows worse making walking almost impossible.  If your dog is limping, favoring a leg, or not walking at all, be sure to have him checked by his veterinary.  X-rays will hopefully show if he does indeed have the condition and if so, the extent of his problem. Hip Dysplasia isn’t always able to be diagnosed via x-rays but often it can be.  In the event that he does have it, your vet will discuss possible treatments with you.  Don’t waste time if you suspect the condition because catching it as early as possible is of the essence.

One of the most common problems Treeing Tennessee Brindle pet parent note about their beloved dogs is that they tend to get in their share of accidents.  They get so caught up following a scent or chase something they shouldn’t go somewhere they shouldn’t result in scrapes, bruises, cuts, and sometimes even broken bones.  The Tennessee Tree is not a cry baby.  Don’t expect him to come to you with his injuries.  You will want to examine him from head to paw every time you brush him or at regular intervals, weekly or bi-weekly.  If he has cuts or gashes, doctor them up unless they are severe enough he needs to go into the vet to be treated.  He may also accumulate wounds from critters he chases that fight back.  If he has a bite, you may need to take him into the vet to have it properly cleaned as bites can be filled with germs.  Be sure to keep his shots up to date too.  These dogs are very tough so they’ve been known to sport broken bones that their owners aren’t even aware of close attention to his boo-boos!

Eye problems are not unheard of within the Treeing Tennessee Brindle family.  For one, they tend to spend a lot of time with their face near the dirt where dust and debris can fly into their eyes.  This can easily lead to eye infections.  They are also somewhat prone to get cataracts although that may come later on in life as they age.  If your dog has any trouble seeing like if he is bumping into things, or bumping into you, be sure to have his eyes formally examined at the vet clinic.  If you note any film on the lens of his eye, let your vet know about it because that is a sign of cataracts.  Cataracts can affect a tiny pinpoint area or can cover the entire lens with a film-like substance.

Diabetes does affect the Treeing Tennessee.  It can affect any dog, for that matter.  There seem to be more dogs than ever coming down with the disease so it’s good to know the warning signs and also to take preventative measures.  What’s in your dog’s food?  It pays to thoroughly check his food out because it can be a big culprit for leaving him vulnerable to Diabetes and other illnesses.  Feeding him people food can as well and obese dogs are also at high risk.  Diabetes involves the insulin that is produced in the pancreas.  It enables sugar (glucose) to be broken down.  When a dog, or human, is Diabetic, the process isn’t working properly all. Insulin is important for your dog to break down sugar and convert it into energy he can use. Classic signs for the ailment are weight loss without reason, excessive thirst, increased urination, repeated urinary infections, and eye problems such as cataracts.  A simple test that tests for glucose in the urine and blood will confirm Diabetes.  If your dog does have the condition, it is Type 1 which is the most common in dogs.  It is not confirmed that dogs even get Type 2, maturity onset.  It is therefore likely that he will need to be on insulin injections but your vet can discuss the diagnosis and details with you along with the recommended treatment. Since the 1970s, Diabetes has actually tripled in canines.  It is highly suspected that less than top-notch dog food is partially to blame.  Dogs tend to get less exercise too because as a society, we are just becoming busier.  Plus, there are more dogs in urban areas now than in rural locations which means they are not as free to exercise on their own.  This leads to obesity and poor health which leaves them susceptible to Diabetes.  One in every 60 dogs now has the condition.

The Treeing Tennessee is one of the most resilient dogs on the planet.  He’s built tough.  It’s in his genes.  There aren’t a lot of diseases he gets hereditarily and he’s generally in great shape physically so it is likely and hopeful that your TTB will live a long and healthy life.

Is a Treeing Tennessee Brindle Right for Me?

If you’ve got a good mind to get a super smart dog with amazing advanced hunting, trailing, and treeing skills.  You may have found the best fit ever. But, just to ensure you’re not barking up the wrong tree, it’s time to search your heart and answer these questions from your very soul.  And, by the way, it is said that the saying “Barking up the wrong tree” originated with the Treeing Tennessee.

Are you able to give this dog plenty of exercise?  If not...stop right here.  He simply must have it.  There’s no option.  You’ll have a very naughty, very bored, and extremely mischievous hound on your hands.  If you are an athletic, active person, you’ll love the excitement and enthusiasm this dog has for going on walks or accompanying you on walks, hikes, or in any other activity you are doing.  The combination of getting to spend time with his human and to exercise is like heaven to him shows.

The Treeing Tennessee has super strong hunting and treeing instincts.  Many of them may not be loveable when he’s not treeing or trailing a critter.  He’s likely to bay in the house or in the backyard until you conquer that but he’ll still need to let it out sometimes.  He is also given to chasing other things besides your neighbor’s cat or kids on bicycles.  He can climb, fences, and even trees so you’ll have to keep a sharp eye on him unless he’s out in God’s country where he can roam free.

The TTB is a Hound.  He’s given to be stubborn and independent.  He’s also very friendly and loveable.  He will require a lot of patience and a person who is able to be assertive yet kind.  Are you his person?

If you suffer from allergies, you’ll love that this fine pup barely sheds and is considered to be somewhat hypoallergenic.  No dog is truly free from the possibility of presenting allergies but this one is as close as you get.  Also, if you’re not a fan of doggie maintenance, you’ll be smitten by the fact that he requires very little.

If you think you’d like to go out on a limb and bring a Treeing Tennessee Brindle into your life, you’re in for a real growing experience.  This fine fellow will root your days in love and branch your heart out further than you ever dreamed possible.

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What Size Dog Crate Do I Need? Tips for Every Pet Owner
Choosing the right dog crate size is crucial for your pet’s comfort and safety. With so many options available, it ca...
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