Articles — German Shepherd
7 Popular Dog Breeds You Should Definitely Know About
Beagles Boxers English Springer Spaniel German Shepherd Golden Retriever Labrador Retrievers Pug

When it comes to dogs, there are a ton of types and breeds to choose from. They all have different looks and personalities and some are better at some things than others. For example, guide dogs are usually made up of retrievers whereas you’re more likely to see a pug on social media doing something funny. They are all very different and some people have specific preferences over which dog breed they prefer most. Although there are preferences, there are a select few breeds that are loved by the nation and you are bound to know a few friends that...
Black Friday Sales | November Newsletter
Black Friday 2015 Breed chart Bulldogs Crate Size Dog Crates German Shepherd Hotels Labrador Retrievers Pet Travel Sales Shih Tzus Travel
Black Friday is here. It has finally come upon us and we are excited to offer an amazing deal on our Impact Aluminum dog crate series. From now until November 30th you can get 15% off of the already low prices for these premium, American-made dog crates. These crates are perfect for those Houdini dogs that seem to be able to escape from anything. In consideration of the time of year, please allow up to 4 weeks for the item to ship. The Petmate Sky Kennel is by far our most popular airline carrier, but the Petmate Vari Kennels are starting to...
German Shepherds - Fun Facts and Crate Size
48" dog crates Breed chart Crate Size Crates Dog Dog Crates German Shepherd

German Shepherd Quick Facts: AKC recognized in 1908 Lifespan: 10 - 12 years Size: Large Dog Energy: Medium Recommended Crate Size: 48” dog crate* Return to the main Dog Crate Sizes Breed Chart. Top 10 Fun Facts Whenever it comes to the dogs, most of us just lose it. Because the way we love them it is totally unexplainable. Dogs have for centuries, proven to be one of the loyal and most expressive pets around. For way more occasions they have successfully expressed their qualities to be accepted in the family as an integral part. This breed is well loved....