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Segugio Italiano - Fun Facts and Crate Size

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Segugio Italiano - Fun Facts and Crate Size

Segugio Italiano

Quick Facts:

  • Not AKC recognized at present
  • Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
  • Size: medium
  • Energy: high
  • Recommended Crate Size: 36” dog crate*

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Pasta, pizza, and...the Segugio Italiano - those are the things that make the Italian world go round.  While the Segugio is not all that common in the United States or Canada, he’s one of the top ten breeds in Italy.

Handsome, talented, and oh-so-smart, this lean machine is a work of art just as the masterpieces of famous artists like Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci.  If you are sure this Italian treasure is the dog for you, you might want to “arresto” for a minute.  There’s way more that comes with this Italian package than meets the eye.  Let’s take a magnified look at this Italian gem...


The Segugio Italiano, or Italiano Hot Dog Hound, the Segit, or just the Italian Hound as he is endearingly also called, is a Scent Hound who hails from Italy.  There are a number of varieties he comes in including shorthaired and wirehaired.  Actually, there are 4500 different species of the shorthaired and a whopping 1740 variations of the wirehaired.

This ancient breed is believed to have descended from the Eqyptian Hounds who used to roam the land and found their way to Italy.  They were Scent Hounds, dogs who hunt by using their uncanny sense of smell.  They were used primarily for hunting boar back in the pre-Roman era.  These dogs were subjects of artwork like the statues of Diana Caccatrice and Diana Scoccante L’arco which are in the Naples museum and in the Vatican Museum as well. 

These ancestors can be dated back to 1600 where they were depicted in the Borso d’Este castles where are Hound that is almost identical to the Segugio Italiano was.  The exact origins of the Italian Hound are unknown but the historical artifacts prove that they go way back in time and were very important to the societies in which they lived. 

They are no doubt direct descendants of ancient Egyptian primitive hounds that excelled in hunting, common to the Mediterranean coast, owned and traded by Phoenician merchants who eventually brought them to Italy.

There are many drawings that closely resemble the Italiano made by artists within the dynasties of Egyptian Pharaohs.  The pictures even had the hanging ears which distinguished this dog and his domestication from the other primitive breeds.  The statues of “Diane the Huntress” which is in the Naples Museum and “Diane with Bow and Arrow” in the Vatican Museum also depict the Italian Hot Dog.  And, there is a painting completed way back in the 1600s which is obviously of the Segugio that is proudly displayed in the Borso d’Este Castle.

Bred from ancient dogs that then populated Italy, this breed was blueprinted for following the scent of prey to track them down for hunters of the age, the Segugio Italiano ran into trouble when the wild boar in the countryside began to dwindle.  They dropped in popularity and in demand because the source of the hunt was in such decline.  They faced extinction as a matter of fact.  But through the efforts of Houndsmen who had grown quite fond of them, they not only survived, they thrived and are in great number in their homeland today. 

Rather than simply hunting boar as they did originally, they have branched out to also include rabbits, fox, and other small creatures that are considered game for them.  They hunt in packs or on their own and aren’t just into tracking their prey with their intense sense of smell but they also kill their prey as a rule.  They are said to have legs of steel and one of the most powerful noses of all Scent Hounds in existence.  These dogs are amazingly strong and able to endure on the trail for days if need be.  They never give up.

Akin to the Bloodhound, this Scent Hound is especially beloved in Italy as a companion hunting dog that is head and shoulders above the rest in his game.  Italians also use such breeds as Porcelaine, Posavac Hounds, Istrian Coursehaired Hounds, Petit Gascon-Saintongeois, and Ariegoeos but the Italian Hound is the favorite of all.  He is ideal for the job and is also a pro at hunting even larger game than rabbits, like the boar, wild goats, and deer as he was originally bred to hunt, which makes him even more valuable. 

Although the distinguished American Kennel Club has not recognized the Italian Hound as a pure breed in its organization, as of July 2018, the club has welcomed the Italian as a Federation Stock which has benefits for the breed and for fans of the breed.  There are standards set and formal registration which helps keep the line from being tainted.  With the FCI, an international dog club, he is listed in both categories, Short-haired and Course-haired as a Scent Hound which is in Group 6.  The Segugio is in the Hound selection in the Kennel Club of the United Kingdom. 

The Segugio is most commonly owned as a hunting dog but is becoming a popular companion dog as well.   This is both a good thing...and bad.  Many prospective pet parents don’t realize what they are getting into when they bring this fine fellow into their lives.  He is a Scent Hound and a hunting dog through and through.  While they are extremely loving and loyal, this dog does go out for the kill.  They can and will take a kitten or a small dog down in a heartbeat unless trained not to do so.  He requires a stiff, yet loving hand for training and that you can be sure of.

Due to his strong hunting nature and Hound dog ways, many who adopt this breed are not up for the challenge.  Therefore, sadly, a number of the Segugio Italianos have found their way into shelters and organizations throughout France and all around the world as well.  There are organizations, however, that are working diligently to promote awareness and to make this dog more acceptable as a family member.  Part of that involves the education of the prospective pet owner as well as rescues and organizations that house those that have been discarded.

When it comes to being a hunting dog though, this dog is the prized one for hunters to own.  They are second to none out on the trail, able to pick up scents from miles away.  They are diligent in their trailing and tracking efforts and are tough enough to get the job done once an animal is tracked.  While the majority of Hounds simply alert and stall the creature, this dog is all business.  He becomes the hunter, not just the tracker.  This trait is ideal in many areas of hunting but is troublesome when it comes to blending him into a family situation where he is the pet and not a hunter.

The FCI, or Federation Cynologique Internationale which is the World Canine Organization based in Belgium, has welcomed the Italian Hotdog into their club where he is classified as a Scenthound.  The Kennel Club has him as a Hound member while the United Kennel Club doesn’t recognize him into their exclusive organization except as a member of the Federation Stock which does set the standards for him.  He was accepted into the Federation branch of the AKC in July of 2018.

In 2009, the Italian Kennel Club had 4,500 of the shorthaired variety of Segugio Italianos officially on their registration.  They had 1,740 wirehaireds.

The Italian Hot Dog is super quick and extremely athletic.  He’s the ideal specimen for the job he was designed and specifically cut out for.  Taking him out of his element definitely presents challenges.  He’s a champ and has aced all his other challenges so perhaps he will make a great house dog outside his hunting grounds.  But, for those who are attempting, there are things that will be required in no uncertain terms.  He must have ample exercise and proper training and conditioning.  Those things cannot be denied to this fine and handsome Italiano. 

Just remember, he’s a tenacious hunter and an excellent family member, if and only if, you are willing to be the pet parent he requires.


The Serguguio Italiano is a very good-looking dog.  He sports a rather square body shape and has robust construction.  His bones are very well developed and he’s one lean machine with little to no fat on him what-so-ever, ideally, at least.

He is about as tall as he is long.  He’s broad, boasting strength and might.  Equal to half of his height.  But, he is certainly not considered stocky.  His body is agile and athletic with a deep abdomen and chest.  It is flat but isn’t tucked.  His neck is long and slender while his head is large and long. 

His muzzle is consistent with a Roman-type nose effect, slightly convex. Interestingly, in keeping with his impeccable equal proportions, his muzzle is just about exactly half the length of his head.  His jaws are noticeably strong and his teeth have a scissor-type bite - perfect for the hunt...and the kill.

The eyes of the Italian Hot Dog are very kind and soft yet expressive.  They are a dark ochre color and almond-shaped.  His eye rims are always black like the outlining of a masterpiece.

As far as his ears go, they are triangular in shape and always hang low, never folding or curling.  When he’s curious or complex, they do tend to draw forward though.  They are set at the zygomatic arch level or even a bit lower. 

His neck is around 4/10th of the height at his withers, according to registration standard guidelines.

The Segit stands around 19 to 23 inches tall.  He weighs in between 40 and 60 pounds.  Females tend to be slightly smaller than the males are.

The Serguguio’s dense coat is short with the texture like that of a horse, basically coarse, yet soft and semi-smooth too.  There is also a wirehaired version although it is rarer.  The shorthaired is called a Sergugio Italiano A Pelo Raso while the wirehaired is a  Sergugio Italiano A Pelo Forte.  In some countries, they are considered to be completely separate breeds.

This dog is mainly known for his Hound Dog true red coat but can come in other colors as well.  Tawny (ranging from intense to somewhat faded), black and tan, tan and black and grizzle are the most common coat colorings for this dog breed.  Fawn colored dogs often have some white on their muzzles (sometimes in a mask but not always) and skull. 

They may also have some white on their pastern, hocks, feet, neck, chest and the tip of their tail.  Ideally, the less white, the better as far as standards go.  Black and tan dogs may have a white star on their chest in which case he is considered to be a tri-colored. 

There is a unique look and feel about this handsome hunter.  It is very distinguished and seems to know it.  One glance at this dog tells you he's a proud and capable Hound and any owner would be proud to own him.

Pet Crate Size

Pet Crates Direct recommends 36” dog crates for most adult Segugio Italianos.

More Information


This fine fellow is a joy to have around.  He’s a very active guy so he’s best suited for an active owner or family.  He’s not one to be pinned in the backyard though and very well might find a way to escape.  If your yard is large and you exercise him quite often, that might be an exception. 

There’s nothing wrong with bringing him in for the night or if the weather is unusually harsh.  But, to have him cooped upside for all or most of the time is cruel.  He will never, ever make an apartment or small condo dog.

The Serg is definitely a hunter at heart.  Hunting is his job and he takes it to heart.  He’ll fit right in with an owner who is an avid hunter.  He’ll be in hunting heaven!

Friendly vigilant, intelligent, and gentle (with humans, at least) are some of the words often used to describe this dog.  He is a lover of humans and is loyal to the death.  He’s good with children but due to the nature of his hunting instincts, should never be left alone with the very young.  He requires early socialization. 

With proper socialization, he can get along with other pets within reason, especially if raised with them but pocket pets, cats, rabbits, and so forth are a different story.  He is likely to view them as prey which is totally understandable.  Because the breed was often in large packs while on the hunt, this dog’s nature is to get along with other dogs in general.  Still, you’ll want to socialize him and have a proper introduction to be on the safe side.

Talk about smart, this Italian guy is as smart as a whip.  In fact, he’ll blow you away with his intelligence. 

Being a Hound, you can expect a certain amount of stubbornness.  It is all good on the hunt.  He refuses to give up.  It’s not an option.  But when you are trying to teach him something and he stubbornly resists, that’s a song to a different tune.  You’ll need to establish your authority as being his pack leader and you’ll need to do so right off the bat.  He’s his own leader as far as he’s concerned. 

Back in his hunting days, he had to be very independent.  He did have an owner or a handler to answer to but as long as he knew his job and did it (which he always did), there was no direct guidance on a constant basis.  Also, some Italianos were pack dogs, hunting with up to one hundred other dogs.  Then again, others did their hunting alone or with only one or two other dogs.  But, since all dog’s heritage trace back to packs so with a little nudging, the mentality to accept you as his leader will come naturally. 

The Italian Hot Dog is wary of strangers as a run, people more so than other dogs, generally speaking.  He makes an excellent watchdog due to his insistence upon barking when he feels someone is intruding on the family space or poses a threat.  You’ll want to teach him who is alright and who is not and also train him to listen to you as far as distinguishing friend from foe.  He’s not an aggressive dog by nature but you can bet your bottom dollar if there’s a threat, he’ll not hesitate to defend the family, the turf, or anything else that needs defending.  He’s loyal like that!

You wouldn’t expect such an independent soul to be as sensitive as the Italiano is but...he is.  He will hunt with you all day and be on your lap in front of the television by night.  But, only if he is totally spent.  He’s very gentle and kind but isn’t clingy which gives you the best of both worlds.

You also might be surprised to find that this guy is a character too.  He’s not only super friendly, but he’s also a comedian when he has a good mind to be.  He’ll certainly catch you off guard with his antics.  Oh, and he can be a bit of a manipulator too.  He’s smart enough to figure out his plot and sneaky enough to pull it off.

The main thing with this dog is that he has a lot of Hound and hunter in him.  When you go with the flow and nurture his instincts yet nip in the bud those which are negatively influencing him as a companion, you’ll have one fine “figura grottesca” (guy) on your hands.


Exercise is a must for this breed and plenty of it is a must.  If you happen to forget or just fail to provide it, don’t worry he’ll let you know about it.  He’ll get very irritable, probably naughty too.  He can’t deal with all the pent up energy and you shouldn’t ever expect him to.  Just think of all the exercise he gets when on the hunt.  Not only does this Hound trail, but he also goes for the actual hunt, the kill, too.  That was what he was bred to do.

This dog simply must have a good workout of formal walking for at least one hour per day.  Two is even better.  If you need to break it up into two sessions, that’s fine.  He should be good with having it all at once as long as he’s being kept in shape. 

Before you ever leave the house with him, make sure you have set your status as his leader.  Invite him to go with you and have him walk beside or behind you but never in front of you or he’ll take you for a walk and ride as well. 

Sometimes, his Scenthound ways try to get the best of him.  Never let him take off after scurrying animals or kids on bikes.  Keep a tight hold on him because...well, he’s just a Hound dog after all and it is thick in his blood to give chase.  This dog is quick it. 

In between his walks, he’ll need more physical activity.  He loves Frisbee, a good game of chase, playing Fetch and anything else that combines his two favorite things - you and exercise. 

You’ll want to stimulate his mind too.  Remember that he was used to being very crafty when he was out on a hunt.  He solved problems and had to outwit his prey.  So, choose activities that foster those type of things.  You can find a myriad of brain gamebooks, Ebooks, and website information that will give you some great ideas.  You’ll be amazed at how fast he will master them.

The rule of thumb with the Italiano is that if you go, he thinks he should too.  In fact, he’s sure of it.  And, why not?  He’s a nice little guy to have around and believe you me, he can keep up!  Whether you are hunting, hiking, or just hanging out, he’s up for it.  It’s a great way to help him get his exercise plus it will serve to keep him occupied and engaged.


The Italiano is a very trainable dog although he does have his moments.  Despite his stubborn streaks and independent stands that take place from time to time, he’s very intelligent and eager to please so if you play your cards right, he’ll be a star student.

Do keep in mind that he’s a Scenthound.  The fewer things that smell in and around the classroom, the better.  You don’t want your student distracted.

You’ll need to be firm and assertive yet kind and loving.  He thrives on praise and pleasing you so let him know you are proud of him when he does well, even if that just means he tried.  Reminding him of your position as his pack leader will be ultra-important.  Keep his treat rewards to a minimum but you certainly can give them when he masters a challenge or at special times.  Otherwise, he’s happy with plenty of pats and praises.

Potty training is first up.  You’ll want to housebreak him even if he’s an outside dog because you never know when a situation might arise that means he needs to come in for the night, the week, or forever after.  He’s easy to potty train though.  He naturally wants to do his business outside and isn’t wary of the weather whatsoever.  With some praise and an occasional treat, he’ll be housebroken in no time.

Next up is obedience training.  The Hot Dog from Italy will master the commands quickly but don’t stop there.  Give him a good, long list of them and keep him practiced up.  You’ll also want to include some manners in the mix.  Teach him to hush when prompted so he stops his barking.  Hounds love to bark, you know.  Also, teach him not to jump on people.

Tricks are easy for this Hound if they are up his alley.  You can train him to seek out a treat, toy, or bone upon calling the name of it. He’s also a pro at Hide-and-Go-Seek a scent.

Brain training is imperative for this fine fellow.  He can put together treat puzzles and mazes and will simple astound his audience.  He’s a ham so he’ll probably show off a bit as he’ll be as proud of himself as you are of him.

Agility courses are excellent to stimulate the Italiano’s brain and also to get their energy out.  He’ll master the course, no doubt, as he is very agile, athletic, and intelligent.  You can take him to formal classes or build him his very own DIY course on his own turf.

Lure coursing is another training activity that is awesome for the Hot Dog.  He is very good at tracking in the wild so the mechanical lure simulator is nothing for him to get down pat in no time.  Again, take him to a formal class or build him his own for use at home.

The Segugio Italiano is one that simply must be trained.  He’s too good of a dog with too many superb qualities to waste away on sticking him in the backyard only to be ignored.  If you are not up for training him yourself, you can always hire a professional trainer.  It doesn’t matter who trains him as long as he does get trained.


The Sugugio Italiano is an athletic, lean dog with lots of muscles.  He will need a dog food that is rich in protein in order to fuel the fire that burns within.  It’s highly recommended for you to talk with his veterinarian and/or his breeder to find out what they feel is the best dog food for him as well as recommendations for frequency of feeding and quantity of feeding too. 

The Segugio Italiano is a unique breed that has the ability to hunt all day in the field but, at home, he is content to laze the day away on the couch. If he is not stimulated, you may find him getting lazy which also means he is depressed.

The best diet for your Segugio Italiano will depend on his activity level. Dogs trained for hunting may benefit from an active or working breed formula while companion pets may do fine on a high-quality adult dog food.  Hunting dogs may do well on a working dog specialty type of food.

It’s likely that you’ll start out giving him frequent small meals as a puppy but will decrease the number of times he’s fed as he grows and his little tummy can handle more food at one time.

As your pup grows, his feeding quantity and frequency will likely be determined by his activity level.  Again, check with his vet or breeder for details.  For those who are very active in the field, they are basically guaranteed to burn their calories off with vigorous exercise. 

For those who are making do in a backyard or less active situation, however, there is the risk that they can become overweight.  For this reason, you’ll want to tailor his food and also his treats to ensure he doesn’t become obese...which, he can.  Obesity in dogs is as dangerous or even more dangerous as it is in humans.  It can spur on such medical problems as Heart Disease, joint and bone conditions due to too much stress being placed on them from the extra baggage, and Diabetes. 

If you feel your Segugio is gaining excess weight, try feeding him less and exercising him more.  If you don’t get the desired results from him right away, consult his vet for an individualized diet and exercise plan.

Do be careful what food you feed your Italiano or any other breed.  Do your homework on tricks of the trade that some dog food manufacturers greedily put into play to fool their buyers.  That sweet puppy face on the label may be concealing some irresponsible ingredients inside. 

You may think the dog food industry is looking out for your pet but...that’s not always the case, sadly.  Look for feed without GMOs and other toxic ingredients and without by-products which basically has been proven to be some really sketchy substances.  You’ll add years to your dog’s life by being adamant about him having a healthy diet.

As with animals of any kind, the Sergugio Italiano will need plenty of clean, fresh drinking water accessible to him at all times whether he is outdoors or inside.


The handsome Italian is a cinch to groom.  He needs no pampering - no bows in hair or painted nails.  He requires no shaving either.  You will want to brush him although he shed very, very little.  He’ll encounter a little more furry flurries when the seasons change, like in spring and fall so up it from a brushing per week to a few per week during those times.

The Segugio isn’t big on baths so thankfully, he only needs one two or three times a year or if he encounters something stinky, like a skunk, or gets really dirty or muddy.  Be sure to use a dog-friendly hypoallergenic shampoo and fluff him dry afterward to get his hair back to the way nature intended for it to be.  He has natural defenses in his coat so bathing him too often isn’t good for him.

Pay special attention to his ears.  Since they hang down in typical Hound Dog style, they are apt to collect dirt, debris, and bacteria which can easily lead to ear infections which this breed can be prone to.  Keeping them clean and dry is helpful for prevention.  If he paws at them or if you note they are red, inflamed, or irritated looking, take him to his vet immediately.  Untreated ear infections can lead to the need for surgery or even deafness.

Toenails are another area you’ll want to attend.  He will probably wear them down naturally for the most part if he’s outside as much as he wants to be.  But, you will need to make sure they are chipped, torn, or split.  If they are, take care of the matter as soon as possible so it doesn’t get worse.  Also, keep dirt from getting embedded in his nails and paws.

Another good thing to do is to inspect your Italian Dandy every time you brush him.  This dog is a diehard and won’t let you know when he gets a scrape, cut, or sometimes even a broken bone.  You’ll want to check him out from head to toe.

Every type of dog needs his teeth brushed at least once a week and this dog is no different.  It will help keep cavities and gum disease at bay.  Using a dog toothbrush and special doggie-friendly toothpaste will help gain his cooperation.

This dog doesn’t take much in the way or care and grooming but that doesn’t mean you should negate the things he does need so be sure to give him what little time he does require in the grooming department.


While the life expectancy of the Sergugio is officially said by most experts to be around 10 to 12 years, many disagree and state that 12 to 14 or 15 years is more like it.  Never the less, this dog is generally a healthy one for the years he does grace the earth. 

First and foremost, you definitely want to acquire your pup from a reputable breeder with full verifiable credentials.  This is a breed that tempts greedy irresponsible breeders and puppy mills to go after the bucks that this handsome guy can bring.  Go through one who can show you full proof they’ve checked out the parents and the pups.  A reputable breeder will be happy to show they’ve done all the right things. 

An irresponsible one will get upset when you ask or just won’t show you.  You might also check rescue organizations and shelters as sometimes this breed proves to be too much for an owner due to his energy level and stubborn Hound streak and therefore they are surrendered frequently, especially in Italy where they are so popular.

Although the Italiano is a healthy and athletic dog with few hereditary issues, there are some medical problems common to the breed that you’ll want to watch out for.  It is better to be on your toes so you can take him to see the vet if he shows any signs of having one of those conditions.

Here are some things to look out for:

Field injuries, as mentioned before, are a kind of occupational hazard of sorts.  Be sure to check him weekly and take him in if he has anything that looks serious like deep gashes or cuts that might become infected.

Gastric Torsion, or Bloat, is one woe this breed does have a tendency to get.  Many deep-chested breeds do.  Making sure he doesn’t eat too quickly or too much at one feeding is imperative.  If you suspect he has it, such as if he is wreathing in pain after eating, take him to the vet clinic immediately.  This condition is a twisting of the intestines and can be fatal.

Hip Dysplasia is another condition this dog might suffer from during his lifetime.  It can be due to a birth defect, and therefore considered hereditary, or can be due to the environment like running on rough terrain for years at a time.  The condition entails a failure of the femur bone to fit into the hip socket properly.  While at first, it might be minor, it can lead to total lameness.  If your dog is limping, favoring a leg, or not walking at all, be sure to take him in to be checked.  X-rays may reveal a deformity but don’t always show it but his vet can run other tests.  In the event that he does have the condition, his vet will discuss treatments with you.

Elbow Dysplasia is another condition he might get.  It is very similar to Hip Dysplasia but, of course, is in the elbow region.  The symptoms are the same, just a different area.  You should take him in at the first suspicion that he might have this problem.

Cataracts can affect the Italian Hot Dog.  As he gets older, he is more prone to get them.  Cataracts are filmy like places on the lens of the eye that can be as small as a pinhead or can cover the entire lens.  You may even see the spots.  Or, you may note he isn’t seeing as well as he should be.  He may run into trees, furniture, or even you.  If your dog shows signs of having Cataracts or any other eye issues, have him seen right away.

Another eye issue this breed is apt to get is Entropion.  This condition involves the folding of the eyelid inward.  Usually, it is the lower lid which is affected and it folds in, making it uncomfortable for him and causing his eyelashes to rub against the inside cornea or his eye which can be painful or irritating at the least.  This problem is genetic in nature most of the time it is seen.

Ectropion is another problem that is somewhat common to the breed.  It is the exact opposite of Entropion.  Within this condition, the lower eyelid sags outward so it goes away from his eye.  This exposes the surface of his inner eyelid to dirt, bacteria, and other elements.  It can result in excessive tearing, dryness within the eyes, and extreme irritation.  It can also be painful.  If your dog has Entropion or Ectropion, be sure to have it treated by his vet.

Bone inflammation, or Panosteitis, is a painful condition but thankfully, it is usually temporary.  It is a growing pain of sorts.  It affects the outer shaft or surface of one or money long bones and is consistent with the implications of growing so fast.  If your pup is having trouble walking or seems to be in pain that is stemming from his long bone area or areas, take him in to be checked at the clinic.  Your vet can advise you of treatment for this malady.

Umbilical Hernia is a problem seen within the Segugio Italiano family.  It involves an abnormal bulge that you can actually see and feel within the umbilicus, or belly button, region.  It happens when some of the lining of his abdomen, some of his intestine, and/or abdomen fluid comes through the abdominal muscle wall.  This situation can cause a hernia which is a twisting, often quite severe in nature.  It is very painful and can be debilitating.  If you note any signs that point to this problem, take him in to be seen immediately.

Diabetes is showing up in more dogs than ever these days.  Many feel it is because of the carelessness dog foods and dog treats are made with and the things they get by with containing.  Also, the fact that many dogs eat people food they shouldn’t is an added culprit.  The lack of exercise dogs get now that they often live in metropolitan and urban settings as opposed to rural countryside settings can be another factor.  Diabetes 1 is the main type that tends to effect dogs.  It is marked by the pancreas not manufacturing enough insulin or any insulin at all.  A simple blood and/or urine test will determine if he is or isn’t Diabetic.  Insulin is a hormone which converts blood sugar, or glucose, into energy which is used by muscles and other body organs.  This is a critical problem which generally warrants the giving of insulin by injections, sometimes twice per day.  It also involves a strict diet.  In order to figure out the correct dose needed for your dog, his vet will need to determine his curve.  This can mean taking him in for testing at frequent intervals or even having him stay at the vet a few days in which his blood and/or urine will be tested.  It is vital that his sugar become under control or he will be at risk for going blind, going into a seizure, having a stroke, going into a coma, or possibly even death.

Hopefully, your Segugio Italiano will live a long and healthy life without any issues.  But, being on the safe side and being aware of potential problems is always the best way to go.

Is A Serugio Italiano Right for Me?

The Segugio Italiano is one hot dog. He’s handsome, smart, and friendly.  He’s the kind of dog everyone wants but...also the kind not everyone should get.  There are some unique qualities about this Hound that makes him who he is.  Some things can be conditioned and other things simply should not be tampered with.  Is this handsome Hound the right dog for you?  Here are some soul-searching questions to ask yourself in order to find out:

Are you an active person who can provide him the ample exercise he needs and deserves?  If you are part of a family unit, is your family active?  This breed requires tons of exercise and if not given it, he’ll become downright ornery and depressed.  He won’t be healthy nor will he be happy.  If you do have an active lifestyle, especially if hunting is your game, this dog might just be the compadre you’ve been searching for.

Are you a kind yet assertive leader? That is what the Italiano must-have.  You cannot be a wimp and that’s for certain.  This dog would walk all over you which wouldn’t be good for him or for you.  He’s an independent fellow but he’s also highly trainable if the trainer is one who will take charge in a very nice way.

If after researching what this dog needs in the way of a pet parent, you still feel he’s the pepperoni to your pizza, congratulations.  You may have just found the perfect recipe to happiness.


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You love your dog like they're a member of the family. And a properly chosen crate provides safety, comfort, and a se...
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What Size Dog Crate Do I Need? Tips for Every Pet Owner
What Size Dog Crate Do I Need? Tips for Every Pet Owner
Choosing the right dog crate size is crucial for your pet’s comfort and safety. With so many options available, it ca...
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7 Surprising Benefits of Dogs Eating Strawberries
7 Surprising Benefits of Dogs Eating Strawberries
Strawberries are a delicious treat for us humans, but did you know they can also be a great addition to your furry fr...
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