Articles — Housebreaking
The Definitive Guide on Dog Training
Dog Dog Crate Training Housebreaking Puppy Training

The Most Effective Dog Training Methods Training a dog is a lot like teaching a child. Every dog, like every child, is unique. Both have their distinct personalities, so what makes one tick might send another into a complete tailspin. That is why one training does not fit all. Find out what method, or combination of methods, best suits your pooch with this definitive guide on dog training. Praise Training Fido has finally found out the answer to the question - “who’s a good boy?” It’s HIM! You can bet - he’s pretty darn proud of himself. By nature, most...
Pet Predicaments

House Breaking When you’re choosing a pet, you never consider the mark that your new dog or cat is going to make on your home … literally. Even if you manage to housebreak your pet with complete success, you’ll find evidence of your furry friend throughout the house — from the hair on your bedspread to snags in your sofa to the slight stench that’s been hanging in the dining room ever since Fido shook himself dry after a romp in the rain. Furniture If your furniture is dark and your pet has white, orange or another light-color fur, you’ve...