Articles — Cats
Benefits of Using the Best Automatic Cat Feeders

Are you a busy or lazy person, and looking for a way to feed your cat? Then automatic cat feeders will be a good choice for you to buy. Many people do not know the value of cat feeders, and hence, they never think to buy it. On the other side, those that do know the potential value still may not consider buying it for their lovely pets because it easily slips their minds. Just go and ask your neighbor who has an automatic cat feeder in their home and you will come to know the real benefits. If you do...
4 Ways to Get Cat Pee Out of a Mattress

Four Ways To Get Cat Pee Out Of A Mattress A urine-soaked mattress is a situation where speed is crucial. The faster you can get to the urine, the more of it you can get out of the mattress and the less lingering smell you’ll have to deal with. If you have a wet-dry vac, this is the perfect place to use it! If not, blot up as much of the wetness as you can. Don’t stop with the surface wetness – put pressure on the mattress and try to extract as much of the urine from the...
How Much Do Cats Sleep

Introduction First-time cat owners are often puzzled and even alarmed by the fact that the kitty seems to do a lot of sleeping. But it’s perfectly normal – cats are absolute masters when it comes to getting plenty of rest. Pet experts estimate that most healthy adult cats spend more time asleep than they do awake, dozing up to 16 hours a day or more. Some say cats sleep all day because they’re nocturnal and prefer to be awake at night, but this isn’t technically true. Cats are diurnal, but in the wild most of their hunting activity takes place...
Interesting Cat Communication Methods

Introduction Can cats “talk”? Absolutely. Is cat vocalization easy to understand? Not always – but the more time you spend with cats, the more you’ll pick up the language. Ask most non-cat owners what sound cats make and they’ll say “meow”. That’s true to a point, but it’s kind of like saying that the sound dogs make is “bow wow”. “Meow” is just one of many sounds that make up feline vocalizations. Pitch and Length of Vocalizations One of the most important keys to understanding cat vocalizations is evaluating pitch, duration, and volume. Generally speaking, the lower the pitch the...
Cat Litter Box Basics

While there are many possible causes for cats urinating or defecating outside the box, the cat box should be the first place you look. Here’s a quick checklist of potential litter box issues that could very well be the heart of the problem: Is it clean? This is really a major issue with most cats. Felines are fastidious and a box that’s soiled or smelly can be a real turn-off. Cats vary in their tolerance for a messy litter box, but just about every cat will eventually reach the “no way!” point where they simply refuse to even go near...