Alaskan Malamute – Fun Facts and Crate Size
48" dog crates Breed chart Crate Size Crates Dog Dog Crate Sizes Dog Crates XL dog crates
Alaskan Malamute Quick Facts: AKC recognized in 1935 Lifespan: 11-12 years Size: Large Energy: High Recommended Crate Size: 48" dog crate* Return to the main Dog Crate Sizes Breed Chart. Table of contents Introduction Breed Appearance Nutrition Grooming Exercise Pet Crate Size Introduction The Alaskan Malamute is one of the largest breeds that is originated from Alaska. Formerly, this breed was used to pull freight carriages and is well-suited to colder climates. Today this dog is commonly used as a companion pet and for shows. Even though it is very large, but it is still friendly, intelligent, and can be trained easily....
Akita – Fun Facts and Crate Size
48" dog crates 54" dog crate Breed chart Crate Size Crates Dog Dog Crate Sizes Dog Crates XL dog crates xxl dog crate
Akita Quick Facts: AKC recognized in 1972 Lifespan: 10-13 years Size: Large Energy: Medium Recommended Crate Size: 48" dog crate* to 54" dog crate* (Depending on Size) Return to the main Dog Crate Sizes Breed Chart. Table of contents Introduction Breed Appearance Nutrition Grooming Exercise Pet Crate Size Introduction The Akita or Akita Inu is a large size breed that is originally from Japan. Akita has great hunting skills because of its large size and its bravery. These skills mean that it is well suited to hunting pigs, big deer, and the Yezo bear in Akita province. The Akita’s ancestor was the...
Afghan Hound – Fun Facts and Crate Size
48" dog crates Breed chart Crate Size Crates Dog Dog Crate Sizes Dog Crates XL dog crates
Afghan Hound Quick Facts: AKC recognized in 1926 Lifespan: 12-18 years Size: Large Energy: High Recommended Crate Size: 48" dog crate* Return to the main Dog Crate Sizes Breed Chart. Table of contents Introduction Breed Appearance Nutrition Grooming Exercise Pet Crate Size Introduction The Afghan Hound is one of the most ancient dogs in history. The origins of its breeding still remain unclear. One of them is that the dog came over to Afghanistan along with the army of Alexander the Great. There are rock carvings in the caves of Afghanistan that support this theory. Also, legend has it that this...
Vizsla – Fun Facts and Crate Size
42" dog crate Breed chart Crate Size Crates Dog Dog Crate Sizes Dog Crates Large
Vizsla Quick Facts: AKC recognized in 1960 Lifespan: 12-14 years Size: Medium Energy: High Recommended Crate Size: 42” dog crate* Return to main Dog Crate Size Breed Chart. Table of contents Introduction Breed Appearance Nutrition Grooming Exercise Pet Crate Size Introduction Vizsla is a symbolic dog of the Hungarian nation. The ancestors of the breed are the hunting dogs belonging to the Magyar tribes around the 10th century. The people in the tribes hunt with their dogs and falcons. The Vizsla has been endangered several times in the past. The first round was when they were overrun by other breeds, English...
Saluki – Fun Facts and Crate Size
42" dog crate Breed chart Crate Size Crates Dog Dog Crate Sizes Dog Crates Large
Saluki Quick Facts: AKC recognized in 1929 Lifespan: 10-17 years Size: Medium Energy: Medium Recommended Crate Size: 42” dog crate* Return to main Dog Crate Size Breed Chart. Table of Contents Introduction Breed Appearance Nutrition Grooming Exercise Pet Crate Size Introduction The Saluki is originally bred in the Fertile Crescent. The Saluki is also known as the Persian Greyhound and is one of the oldest recognized dog breeds in the world. Its history is dated back 6,000 years ago in the era of Ancient Mesopotamia where there are depictions of dogs with feathered ears and tails, with slim legs on...