Welsh Terrier
Quick Facts:
- AKC recognized in 1888
- Lifespan: 12-15 years
- Size: Medium
- Energy: High
- Recommended Crate Size: 30” dog crate*
Return to main Dog Crate Size Breed Chart.
Fun, friendly, and a just a wee bit feisty, the Welsh Terrier an is old breed so he can be set in his ways but there are so many things to love about him, you won’t mind his typical Terrier ways once he paws his way into your heart.
If you’ve got a rodent problem or if foxes are sneaking around your property, this guy will tend to the issue right away. He’s the cutest little exterminator ever! He was bred to rid homes, farms, and fields of such pests and doing so still runs thick through his blood.
Another thing he is born to do is to love his people. He can’t get enough of his beloved humans and takes every opportunity to express his affection, well, if he’s not busy ridding the premises of critters or off doing something else. He’s a high energy dog so his lap time is limited but when he is up for cuddles, he’s one soft, curly Teddy bear.
The Welsh Terrier dates back as being one of the oldest dog breeds in the United Kingdom. In fact, many say that he is the oldest. This dog is also known as the Old English Terrier, the Black-Haired Terrier, Old English Wire Haired Terrier, and Rough Coated Terrier.
Initially, this breed was developed to control the badger, marten and fox populations on the farm in Wales. They were mentioned by a poet in 1450 who said they were good black and red bitches used to choke the brown polecat. And choke the polecat they did. This breed left no vermin behind. They were awesome at getting right in holes and bringing out whatever critter was in there, be it a fox, rodent, or rabbit. These dogs hunt!
The Welsh Terrier excelled at everything he put his furry little mind to do. His tenacity and talent were recognized by hunters in the 1700s who chose this breed exclusively to run in packs with hound dogs to catch foxes. He had to be quick, sly, and courageous to pull that feat off.
His talent didn’t end there though. He made a great showman too. In 1887, the notorious Kennel Club in London welcomed the Welsh Terrier into their organization. The scruffy hunter cleaned up rather nicely and strutted his stuff as a Miscellaneous Class breed. His standard was then written.
This fine pup made his way into the hearts of Americans. In 1885, the very first two WTs were imported and registered by the highly acclaimed American Kennel Club (AKC). In just four years, a Welsh named Nigwood Nailer nailed the championship. It was in 1900 that the Welsh Terrier Club was founded and has been declining a bit with an average of 32 pups per month being registered in. Now, however, the Welsh Terrier is listed in the Terrier group. Perhaps the WT is the best-kept secret in the doggie world.
Caroline Kennedy (daughter of President John F. Kennedy) and First Lady Jackie Kennedy shared a beloved Welsh Terrier who they named Charlie. Hollywood star, Armie Hammer, who played in The Man from Uncle and a number of hit movies, has one as well. Ingrid Bergman and countless other stars have owned a WT. If you are lucky, maybe you’ll own one too.
The Welsh Terrier stands about 14 to 15 inches tall and weighs in at approximately 20 pounds as an average. Females run a little on the lesser side. Although he’s smaller than the majority of Terriers, his body is compact, stout and muscular. He does share the look of the long-legged Lakeland Terriers but is not as large as the Airedale.
This dog is a strong pup for his size. His weight and height should be proportionate - that is more important than his actual height or weight when it comes to his standards.
His body is basically square, his head is rectangular and he sports a long with a square muzzle and level or scissor-bite teeth. He sports a jaunty mustache, full beard, and the notorious bushy eyebrows Terriers are known for. His eyes are dark, small, and almond-shaped and are quite expressive too. His ears are folded, V-shaped and hang down, at least at times. Sometimes they are erect and engaged in an inquisitive manner.
This breed’s top line is level with his neck being thick and slightly long. His feet are cat-like and round. Customarily, his tail is docked and is always carried proud and upright.
The WT looks a bit like an Airedale Terrier. He has a notable wiry, dense and wavy coat. Although it is rough and somewhat harsh, it’s still softer than you’d expect it to be making this fine furry friend quite pet-able. He’s an allergy sufferer’s dream because he doesn’t shed much, if at all. His coat is weatherproof, keeping him dry in wet weather and warm in the winter. His undercoat is very soft and short. His topcoat is medium length and shorter and wavier on his head with small featherings. His dropped ears are even coated to further protect him from the elements.
Jacket colorings for the Welsh Terrier are always tan or black. The black can be a grizzle but is still considered to be black. His legs, head, and quarters are tan. He looks like he has a saddle on him due to his markings.
The WT has a distinguished look about him. He’s quite the handsome fellow.
The proper nutrition for feeding Welsh Terriers depends on his size, age, metabolism, and activity level. It is recommended to feed him twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. It is also recommended that you feed him high-quality food and that you speak with his veterinarian or breeder for advice on how you can best meet his needs.
This dog has high energy so you will need to make sure he gets ample protein, vitamins, and minerals. Although he is designed to be active if he’s not properly exercised and if he eats too much (and he’s prone to do so), he can become overweight. Obesity in dogs is as dangerous as it is in humans. It can easily lead to heart disease, Diabetes, and other medical problems. For this reason, be sure not to give him too many treats and to be sure he fills up on his dog food instead.
If you are considering a raw food dog diet, this breed is a prime candidate because, with his nutrition needs, protein is high on the priority list. Do be sure to talk to his vet first.
Always check with your veterinarian or breeder for the appropriate feed frequency and quantity of food. You will likely be advised to feed him smaller, more frequent meals when he is a pup and then less often as he grows.
As with all pets, be certain to keep plenty of fresh, clean water available for him at all times.
Welsh Terrier is super easy to groom. He has a dense, wiry-like curly coat which is not difficult to maintain. You will want to brush him out every week or so to keep his hair from matting or tangling and to keep his skin and hair healthy. He usually loves the strokes of love and doesn’t put up a fuss.
There is no need to have him professionally groomed except for you’ll probably want to get him trimmed up once or twice per year. If he is showing, you’ll want to have him professionally groomed, however.
Bathe the WT as needed which may be every few months or...every few weeks if he gets himself unusually dirty or goes after a skunk and ends up on the wrong side of the chase. Be sure and use a gentle, dog-friendly, hypoallergenic, conditioning shampoo. He is given to get dry skin and hair if shampooed with regular dog shampoo. He can look rather motley if his hair is even more out of control looking than it already is.
Because of his low hanging ears, it is recommended to keep them squeaky clean and dry. They will tend to collect dirt and debris so regular checks are in order to prevent them from developing infections. He is prone to get ear infections so keep a sharp eye out for any redness, irritation, or swelling. If he paws at them, take him in to have the vet take a good look at them. Untreated ear infections are very dangerous and may lead to the need for surgery or even to deafness and you certainly don’t want that.
If he has things his way, he’ll be outside enough to naturally wear his toenails down some but you’ll want to be sure they are short and free of chips, splits, and cracks. You will also need to make sure he doesn’t get mud or dirt caked up under them. He’s a digger, remember.
Brush his teeth at least once a week with a dog-friendly toothpaste and a doggie toothbrush. If you use an enticing toothpaste, he won’t mind a bit. Regular care of his mouth will help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Plus, he’ll have better breath too.
The high energy Welsh Terrier cannot be happy and healthy without his daily dose of exercise. He was designed to be bounding with energy and...he is! He will need a walk of at least 60 minutes per day. He can go twice if you can. Even if you can’t hang with two one hour walks, two thirty minute ones may do him better than only one long one so it breaks up his mounting energy.
Be sure you have the hierarchy set in place before you attempt to walk this character of you’ll find yourself being drug instead, especially if he crosses paths with a cat. You’ll also want to keep tight reigns on him so he doesn’t give chase to kids on bikes or anything else of interest to him. Other dogs should be approached with caution and humans as well.
After his formal walk, he is ready to play. He does well with some fun solo-play toys but will also enjoy playtime with you and any other member of the family you may have. Be sure to include some good active playtime so he gets more energy out. That will be the deciding line between having a good WT and a naughty one. Playthings are of interest to him. Remember, he’s an avid hunter at heart and always will be. You can play Hide and Go Seek with him or a nice rough game of Fetch. Do be sure to watch him though because his play can turn a little too rough and tumble at times. It’s not his fault. He just gets a bit carried away.
This fellow often has a ball fetish. He can’t get enough of chasing them and sometimes may even bring one back for you to throw again. Or, he may just entertain himself with one, or a whole bunch of them, for hours. Be sure to keep plenty of all sizes and shapes in his toy box collection.
Keeping an area where he’s allowed to dig is a good idea. He digs instinctively so this will help him get it out of his system and will hopefully prevent him from making a molehill of your freshly planted grass yard. You can stimulate his interest even further by hiding some of his toys in the dirt or sand and letting him dig for them. He will crack you up when he engages in this fun game. He’s quite good at it too!
Since this athletically inclined dog loves to run, hike, and swim, you might as well take him along when you do such fun things. He’s all around sports loving breed and makes an excellent companion to join in whatever you have going on. Flyball, tracking, Frisbee, and Chase are among his favorite active pastimes.
By all means, remember to include mental exercise in this dog’s daily routine. He is very intelligent and must use his noggin or he will grow bored. A bored Terrier is not a good thing. Brain games are excellent for him. He will, no doubt, amaze you time after time.
A word of warning...do be cautious when you let him off his leash to play, even if it’s in his own backyard. He’s quick and a little sneaky. He’s been known to dig under the fence or to scale across it. If this guy escapes, you’ll be in trouble and so will he. By the time he runs out of critters to chase, he’ll be long gone.
Pet Crate Size
The standard crate size for Welsh Terriers is the 30” dog crate.*
* Links for crate sizes will bring you to the most appropriate Amazon page.
More Information

The Welsh is a Terrier through and through. He is got a huge personality and a lot of energy to back it up. At the end of a very active day though, he’s a lap lover. The catch is that it is only when his exercise is complete that he will be that loving dog. He is bounding with energy, again, true to his Terrier roots. There is no option with this dog concerning his workout. He’s gotta have it!
If not properly exercised, this dog will find his own modes to get his energy out. He loves to dig tunnels and has been known to tunnel through a yard in no time flat. He might chew your sofa to shreds or bark so consistently, your neighbors will be coming to call. Don’t think he’ll let them in though. He must be trained to socialize with people and trained also to obey when you say a stranger can come in the house. You’ll want to curb his barking tendencies as well.
Another Terrier trait is that he can be very stubborn and independent. Most Welsh Terrier parents love that about the breed though. They are not dependent upon being by your side like Velcro every minute of the day. In fact, they are fairly self-entertaining. They were bred to use their own thinking in much of the rodent, rabbit, fox, and small critter hunting and that has carried over.
They did, however, take ultimate commands from their owners and still do. Plus, they have always had a soft spot in their hearts for humans. This dog’s saving grace is that he loves to please his people. That covers a multitude of characteristics you might not otherwise find cute, funny, or even acceptable. The fact that he might not listen to you the first time you call may be followed by a second call where he comes to you, licking your face with passion. It is those type of antics that erase all the negative ones.
Charming and a tad cocky, this dog is extremely loyal. He will defend you to his demise. He adores his family. While he is good with all, even children, he’s very rambunctious at times so you’ll need to keep a close eye out if there are extremely young ones in the family. He’s not given to like to be picked on or to have his hair pulled so, again, you’ll need to supervise.
The WT is not the best with other pets although he can be if he’s raised with them. But, by nature, he can have some issues with other dogs and would love to chase the cat, if allowed...and maybe even if not allowed to. If you have a rodent problem or a pocket pet like a hamster or gerbil, he’ll take care of that problem right away. He simply must not be around small pets. To him, they are fun snacks to chase.
Inquisitive and confident, this dog loves to be the top dog and can’t get enough attention when it comes to being a performer. He may do circles in the yard all day long if you are watching. This characteristic comes in handy when training him. Indeed, there is never a dull moment when he’s around.
Believe it or not, though, the WT is a bit more settled down that some high-strung terriers. Once his extra energy has been constructively channeled, you’ll find this fellow is a gentleman at heart. He’s one you can reason with and train to behave whereas some of the other Terriers have a difficult time adapting from their Terrier ways to home settings and the expectations of their families. The Welsh Terrier, on the other hand, is ready and willing to please even if it is contrary to what he would like to be doing. That’s a huge plus for this breed.
One prevalent problem with the Welch Terrier is that they start off cute and little and end up cute and twenty or so pounds. They are often more than owners have bargained for and many simply cannot handle their ways. Rescues and shelters are full of them, sadly enough. This dog requires lots of love and patience. When he gets those requirements, he is golden but if not, he is a holy terror.
The WT can be an inside-outside dog when the situation is right. If left unattended outside in a yard where he can dig his way out, he probably will do so. But if you live where there is a lot of land, he can entertain himself outside if you just check on him from time to time and bring him in at night.
The Welsh Terrier is a working dog. You can take him out of the field but sometimes it is difficult to take the field out of him. Many of the traits you may find annoying or mischievous are ones that were required of him on the hunt. They meant the difference between success and failure and even meant the difference between his life or death. This dog has the need to have a job. Having him fetch the morning paper or help with any task, even keeping an eye on the children (while you keep a watch on him, of course) will help steer him in the right direction.
This dog is suitable for all living arrangements, even apartment or condo living if he is amply exercised every single day. Close quarters living will mean you will need to train him not to bark at inopportune times and he’ll need to learn other manners as well. He actually does best where he has a backyard or some running room but, he can adapt if it is handled properly.
The Welsh Terrier is terrific as a therapy dog within reason. He’s cheerful and can make darn near anyone laugh. If he’s not exercised though, he can surely make anyone cry, however. For those who need the lift of a good-humored dog to accompany them on walks, jogs, hikes, or bike rides, this guy will oblige.
Lively and spirited, the more you bond with your Welsh Terrier, the more positive response and cooperation you will get from him. He is one that bonds closely with his humans so...you’re in luck.
You will need to set your position as the pack leader immediately upon bringing this Terrier home. Be firm about your leadership but kind as well. If you come across harsh, he will buck and you will have big problems. He can be defiant and it will be a war of wills from then on. But kind, consistent, and assertive leadership is a must. If you can’t provide that, do this dog a favor and let him go to the home of someone who can and will. He is not about to naturally submit. He will require a calm and firm hand.
And...as stated before, after all is said and done and this fine pup is spent, he’ll be happy to snuggle with you and may even insist on cozying up in bed with you when allowed...or, even when not.
Training the Welsh Terrier can be a joy or a terror. Much depends upon you. If you are not one who can establish yourself as his leader and be assertive, then you won’t get very far with this soul. And, if you lean to the harsh side when training, forget it. You’ll only create a stubborn monster. But, done the loving yet stern way with plenty of affection and a few treats here and there, the WT is highly trainable. Remember he was and still is a working dog. And...he loves to please his humans.
Housebreaking this dog isn’t all that hard. But, since it will be your first go-round in his training, he may balk about it. Don’t let him win. He simply must follow your wishes and do his business where you designate for him to do it. Reward him nicely when he does. There shouldn’t be much of a setback with weather conditions and he’s not a tiny dog so he can hold it for a reasonable amount of time. You might have an alternative “go” spot for him if you are going to be away from such as a kitty litter box or a puppy potty pad.
Early socialization is imperative when it comes to making sure this guy will be well-rounded and well-behaved in puppyhood and thereafter. Expose him to a wide variety of people, places, and things. Take him around quiet people, loud people, youngsters, and elderly. Bring him to places of solitude where he should not bark and to busy, noisy places as well. You’ll want to introduce him to other dogs and other animals but watch him around cats. Never let him run free where small critters are, however.
Crate training may certainly be in order for the Welsh Terrier. Although he isn’t a Velcro dog, joined at the hips and unable to be happy without a human nearby, he is quite fond of his family and...he sees no good reason why if someone is going somewhere, he shouldn’t tag along. At times when he cannot go, you may want to crate him. In addition, it can be a valuable part of his training time too. Be sure not to use it as a punishment though. Dogs were once den animals and there is security within the confines of a crate but only if you treat it as such. You can find a good bit of information about crate training online.
Obedience training should come as early as you feel he is ready. This training is for his safety as well as for the safety and well-being of dogs and humans who are around him. He will master the basics in no time - like sit, stay, and come. Keep going though because he can handle a good many commands. Be sure that he is willing and able to do all of them without the enticement of a treat in hand. You never know when he might dart after a critter or a car and you’ll need to call out for him to “stop” or “come”. You want to know that he will obey...immediately and without any bribing.
Agility training is right down the Welsh Terrier’s alley. He is athletic and agile and needs something to do physically and mentally so...why not take him to the course? He will love jumping through and over hoops and showing off his exceptional athletic abilities. It will help him get his bounding energy out to so it’s a win-win! If you don’t want to take him to a formal class, you can bring the course to him. You can build one in his own backyard if you’re so inclined to do so.
Lure coursing is another type of training that is becoming very popular. Welsh Terriers are great at it and seem to enjoy it as the activity is right down his alley and is in keeping with his hunting talents. You can take him for formal training classes or work with him yourself. You can even design a course in his own stomping grounds if you would rather.
Trick training this breed might be challenging at first. Be sure to take him out for a nice walk first so he can focus better. He’ll be plenty intelligent enough to catch on but he may not immediately follow your cue. It’s when he gets a lot of praise and maybe a treat or two that he will decide tricks are fun and rewarding to do. Then, you’ll have a shining star! The more you keep his tricks within his scope of interest, the more cooperative he’ll be. He may even throw in a few originals of his own.
Brain training is another area you don’t want to overlook. The WT has a lot of smarts that you won’t want to waste. Brain game training is fun for you, the pet parent, and he’ll enjoy it too. There are some awesome books on the subject and you can also find ample information online about mental training games.
Whatever you do, do not fail to give this dog all the training he can handle. He was born to do great things and encouraging him to do so will enhance both his life...and yours.
The Welsh Terrier is typically a fairly healthy guy. He usually enjoys a lifespan of 12 to 15 years. There are a number of health issues that are associated with this breed, however. Some come from his genes, passed down from generation to generation, and some are not. Many can be prevented too so it’s a good idea to look over this list to not only watch for signs and symptoms but to see what conditions you WT might be susceptible to so you can take preventative measures.
One thing you can do from the start is to acquire your Welsh Terrier from a responsible breeder who has plenty of verifiable references. Don’t hesitate to ask for papers that show tests that have been conducted on your prospective pup as well as paperwork on the parents.
Some of the issues seen in Welsh Terriers are:
Allergies are known to affect this breed. Both skin and food allergies are fairly common. Grass, carpet, and even laundry soap residue can cause his skin to become itchy and inflamed. Introducing a new food may cause him trouble too. He has a tendency to break out in bumps when he has an allergic reaction but respiratory reactions can be cause too so do watch for these and take him into the vet clinic if he seems to be having a reaction. More than likely, there will be a quick and easy remedy your vet will recommend that will do away with it almost instantly. Reactions can be serious though so don’t let it go untreated.
Eye problems are common in the WT breed, unfortunately. One of the main ailments is Lens Luxation. This is a condition which affects the lens of the eyes which is a transparent structure within the eyes that assists in focusing light on the retina. But, with this malady, the lens is completely or partially dislocated and out of place from the position it should normally be in. Serious complications arise such as retinal detachment, chronic and persistent Glaucoma, and even blindness. If your dog is having trouble such as bumping into things or doesn’t seem to be seeing well, be sure to have his eyes checked.
Glaucoma is another problem of the eyes that is seen in the Welsh Terrier. It has to do with the eyes not being able to drain properly and therefore filling up with pressure which can be painful and can lead to blindness. A simple test can reveal if your dog has this problem and if he does, your vet can discuss treatment options with you. You do not want to let Glaucoma go untreated.
Cataracts are problematic in the WT too. They entail a film that can cover a small portion of the lens of the eye or the entire lens area. They can be a very minor issue or can lead to blindness if left untreated. You may even see a film on your dog’s eye and if you do or if he exhibits signs of not seeing well, take him in immediately to be checked.
Epilepsy is one of the most common issues in this breed. It is quite scary for your dog and for you for him to go into a seizure. The seizure, however, is not painful. But, he could get hurt while having one. When seizures persist, tests should be run to make sure it is Epilepsy and not another health problem, like brain cancer or something else, at the root of it. Your dog’s vet can help you go over treatment plans.
Hip Dysplasia occurs in 15% of Welsh Terriers which is very high as compared to other breeds. This condition is a bone and joint issue wherein the hip has a deformity that occurs during the time it is growing. It can be present at birth, a hereditary issue such is seen in most WT cases, or, it can be caused from environmental factors like constantly running on rocky terrain, jumping from great heights frequently, or it can be caused from obesity. The ball of the joint and the socket in the pelvis that it sits in are supposed to grow at the same rate. When this condition is present, however, that doesn’t happen. What takes place after that comes in stages. First, there is a laxity of the joint which is wobbling of sorts. Then, Degenerative Joint Disease sets in or sometimes Osteoarthritis follows due to the attempt of the body to stabilize the area. If your dog is showing signs of a hip problem, waste no time in getting him seen. An X-ray can help diagnose this problem but isn’t always enough. Other tests can be performed. In the event that your dog does have Hip Dysplasia, his vet will possibly recommend surgery.
Legg-Calve-Perthes involves a degeneration of the hip joint. It consists of the head of the femur bone not fitting properly into the socket and therefore, the bone begins to deteriorate. This condition commonly shows up when the dog is between five to eight months of age. If you have noticed a problem with your young pup’s walking, be sure to get him to the vet as soon as you can.
Luxating Patella is also known as Kneecap Dislocation or Slipping of the Kneecap. It can be quite painful and can cause your dog to limp, favoring a leg, or to become lame all together. The condition entails the kneecap, or patella, dislocating from the position it should be naturally within which is the groove of the femur, or thigh bone. This problem is fairly easy to diagnose and can be treated so take your dog in immediately if you note any signs that he might be suffering from Luxating Patella.
Obesity can be a big problem in the Welsh Terrier group. Although this dog is high energy and can certainly burn up the calories, he can also be a little piggy too. If he is not being encouraged to exercise to the extent he was born to or if his living situation does not allow for him to, he can become overweight. Being overweight can lead to a myriad of health issues. Diabetes is not uncommon in this breed or heart disease either. Keeping him in shape, physically, and watching his diet is a must.
Just because there is a lengthy list of possible things your Welsh Terrier may be prone to get because of his genetics of just natural, it certainly doesn’t mean he will have any of them. Hopefully, he will live a long and very healthy, happy life like many Welsh Terriers do. But, you should keep a vigil eye on him to be sure that if he does have any of the maladies, you can take him in for diagnosis and treatment as soon as you can in order to give him the best possible chance of a full recovery.
Is a Welsh Terrier the Right Choice for Me?
The Welsh Terrier is a distinct looking dog who also has a distinct and unique personality. He is a Terrier...need more be said? Terrier traits are extremely obnoxious to some and to others, they are absolutely adorable. If you have your heart set on this little bearded guy, you will do well to do some soul searching to be sure he’s the one for you before you get him home and find out otherwise. There are many Welsh Terriers who didn’t make the cut and ended up in a shelter so be sure this doesn’t happen one more time.
You’ll need to remember that the Welsh Terrier is a working dog. Yes, he is hilarious and has a whole bag full of antics. He thrives on being the clown and soaks up the attention he gets. But, on the other hand, he has a streak of seriousness too. He was bred to be a very hard worker. He aced that challenge and still has some of those characteristics today. Some of the things that can get on WT pet parent’s nerves were some of his best qualities as a hunter such as being quite set in his ways and determined to do what he feels should be done. In the field, that might have been channeled to catch a fox. Today, it might be barking non-stop at the mailman who he’s sure is there to murder the family. The more you understand this breed, the happier you will be with one.
The WT is independent in many ways. He will actually let you go to the restroom alone and he can entertain himself for long periods of time too. He does love his people but he is given to be a bit stubborn and willful at times. He has strong traits that stem back to his roots, just like his appearance and health characteristics do. Some of his nature is bred into him and you will be hard-pressed to change him. This fine dog is best with a pet parent who doesn’t want to change him but wishes to work with him to enhance his personality to be the very best it can be.
If you have a Welsh Terrier, there is no option...you must exercise him every day for at least an hour per day. If you don’t, you will surely pay. This dog loves to dig, escape, and bark but he can also be a very loving companion, a sturdy and athletic fellow who does well accompanying you on a jog, hike, or even a dip in the lake.
As far as living arrangements, the Welsh Terrier is pretty adaptable. He can certainly live on the range, helping out on the farm or ranch or he can fit comfortably in an apartment or condo too. If he will have neighbors though, you will need to work diligently with him on his naughty habits like barking. If he has a backyard, you’ll want to supervise him to make sure he doesn’t dig his way out.
If you have young children in your family, aside from being a little too much at times, the WT is quite good with kids. He does well with humans in general. He can be conditioned to do ok with other animals except for those of the pocket pal variety. He should never be left alone with a small critter lest his Terrier instincts kick in. So, if you have a hamster, gerbil, or mouse in the household, you might not want to add this guy to the mix.
In the event, you are looking for a dog who is not afraid to be himself, one with a loving, fun, and unique personality, the Welsh Terrier might just be the perfect match for you. He is a blast to be around, when he’s not getting into trouble and is given to want to please which is his saving grace. If you think the WT might be your dog is shining armor, the dog of your dreams, congratulations. He has warmed the hearts of royalty, celebrities, and common folk too. He would love a chance to warm your heart too.