Articles — Puppy Training
Pet Predicaments

House Breaking When you’re choosing a pet, you never consider the mark that your new dog or cat is going to make on your home … literally. Even if you manage to housebreak your pet with complete success, you’ll find evidence of your furry friend throughout the house — from the hair on your bedspread to snags in your sofa to the slight stench that’s been hanging in the dining room ever since Fido shook himself dry after a romp in the rain. Furniture If your furniture is dark and your pet has white, orange or another light-color fur, you’ve...
General Puppy Care Tips

General Care Tips for Your Puppy Nail Clipping Clip the "hook" off the toenails and dewclaws about twice a month. It is also a good idea to purchase some blood coagulating powder (like Kwik Stop) to have on hand as you will nick a nail occasionally. Don't panic if nail bleeds, and make sure to teach your dog to accept this routine without fussing. This is an important aspect of puppy care; you should never be able to hear nails clicking on a hard floor. Grooming & Flea Control Bathe your puppy every month or so with a mild dog...
The 5 Coolest Dog Tricks You Can Teach Your Dog Today

Dogs are lovable animals and as an owner, you will know how smart (and how stupid) they can be from time to time. Although they can do silly things, it is important to know that dogs are actually very smart animals and can quickly pick on commands and cues. In particular, they are very good at learning tricks, especially when there’s food involved. If you have the patience and the knowledge you can train your dog to do all sorts of tricks. All the way from the standard “sit” to the immense “backflip”. If you are giving them correct praise...
Hunting Dogs - Dealing with Heat and Training

While all of us are happy to see winter go, and we are all ready to get outdoors, we have to consider how to handle not only ourselves but our furry, four-legged friends as well. We are all far less sedentary in the warm weather and this brings up a number of concerns for both people and their dogs. The secret to getting back into a more active lifestyle, of course, is moderation. While it’s easy to get out and enjoy the nice weather, don’t forget that if you are like most of us and spend most of the winter...
Using a Dog Crate for Toilet Training
Dog Crate Training Dog Crates Exercise Pens Precision Puppy Training

When you first get your dog, they may not be properly toilet trained, leaving you with messy carpet and furniture. This is not something you need once you have just bought your new puppy and you will want to get them trained as soon as possible. There are a variety of ways you can toilet train a puppy and some methods are more effective than others. Once you’ve trained your dog to go outside when they need the toilet, it is very rare that you will ever see them have an inside ‘accident’. One of the best ways to toilet...