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Articles — Dog

Chinese Shar-Pei – Fun Facts and Crate Size

36" dog crate Breed chart Crate Size Dog Dog Crate Sizes Dog Crates Intermediate

Chinese Shar-Pei – Fun Facts and Crate Size

Chinese Shar-Pei Quick Facts: AKC recognized in 1992 Lifespan: 8-12 years Size: Medium Energy: Medium Recommended Crate Size: 36” dog crate* Return to main Dog Crate Size Breed Chart. In 1978, the Guinness Book of World Records and TIME magazine named the Chinese Shar-Pei as one of the rarest dog breeds. It wasn’t recognized by the American Kennel Club until 1992. According to the AKC, as of 2017 it is the 61st most popular dog breed. The Shar-Pei was smuggled into America by a businessman. It is believed that these Shar-Pei are mostly the offspring of these initially smuggled dogs. The Chinese...

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Dog Crate Pans: Why they’re Important and How to Use Them

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Dog Crate Pans: Why they’re Important and How to Use Them

Getting a dog crate is a fantastic idea and it has a lot of benefits. Some of the main benefits that are included with a pet crate include toilet training and portability. They allow you to effectively train new dogs to go to the toilet outside and also make it possible for them to travel with you on the plane. Many people will get them for a specific purpose but they are, in general, a very useful thing to have. Whether you are toilet training or taking your dog to the park, one thing is for sure: the crate will...

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Staffordshire Bull Terrier – Fun Facts and Crate Size

30" dog crates Breed chart Crate Size Crates Dog Dog Crate Sizes Dog Crates Medium Staffordshire Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier – Fun Facts and Crate Size

  Staffordshire Bull Terrier Quick Facts: AKC recognized in 1974 Lifespan: 9 to 15 years Size: Medium Energy: Medium Recommended Crate Size: 30” dog crate* Return to main Dog Crate Size Breed Chart. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier was originated from Staffordshire, England back in 19th century. The ancestors of this dog breed were Bull and Terrier. This dog breed was originally bred for bull baiting, bear baiting, lion baiting and dog fighting, but as these practices became banned it became a show dog and beloved pet. The Staffordshire Terrier found its way to America in early 1870 which earned them other...

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Why is it Important to Size Your Pet Correctly When Crating?

Breed chart Crate Size Crates Dog Dog Crate Sizes Dog Crates

Why is it Important to Size Your Pet Correctly When Crating?

Getting a pet crate is a fantastic idea and it will bring you and your dog a lot of benefits. For many new owners, the first challenge is actually finding a good dog crate to use. There are a ton of brands available and finding one that suits your dog and your own needs can be difficult. However, when it comes to finding the best dog crate, many owners will forget a crucial step – sizing. Sizing your dog before you buy a pet crate is very important and will ensure your dog is comfortable and safe when they’re in...

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Harrier – Fun Facts and Crate Size

36" dog crate Breed chart Crate Size Crates Dog Dog Crate Sizes Dog Crates Harrier Intermediate

Harrier – Fun Facts and Crate Size

Harrier Quick Facts: AKC recognized in 1885 Lifespan: 12-15 years Size: Medium Energy: High Recommended Crate Size: 36” dog crate* Return to main Dog Crate Size Breed Chart. The Harrier originally comes from Great Britain. It is a medium-sized dog that is similar to the English Foxhound, though smaller in size. Adult Harriers are approximately 24 inches in height when standing and 65 lbs in weight. This breed is very friendly, tolerant, cheerful, and highly active. The origin of this dog is still debated, but some people say that the Harrier was a descendant of the Talbot Hound, Bloodhounds, and Basset Hounds. Others say...

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