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No More Scratches: 6 Tips for Keeping Cats Away from Furniture


How to Keep Cats off Furniture

If you've got an indoor cat, we don't need to tell you the effect that they have on your home and everything inside of it.

We love our furry little friends, but it's hard to deny that they can be difficult to live with. For every heartwarming cuddle, there's a fur-covered rug or scratched-to-pieces chair. It's the nature of keeping a curious, fun-loving animal that also has sharp claws in your home.

In today's post, we'll give you some tips on how to keep cats off furniture. You can resign yourself to the damaged furniture, but you don't have to. There are ways to protect your cat from all of this costly damage, so keep reading and we'll try to keep you and your expensive furnishings safe from now on.

1. Create a Cat Repellent Solution

One of the most widely heralded homemade solutions for bad cat behavior is to spray your furniture with a scent that your cat will hate. Don't worry, you'll only have to spray the furniture for a little while until your cat figures out that they don't want to jump on it anymore.

There are two main options with this method: apple cider vinegar and citrus. For the former, mix a small amount of apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle with some water to create a solution. Cats seem to dislike the sour scent of cider vinegar, but the other plus is that it can mask unfortunate pet smells.

The same is true of citrus solutions - cats hate it. The best options are lemon and orange, as they're pleasant enough to spray around your home.

So, spray one or both of these solutions in the areas of your home that your cat frequents the most - couches, chairs, beds, and window sills. Eventually, they'll start to associate those areas with the smell they hate so much and they'll avoid going to them.

2. Change the Feel of Your Furniture

Cats scratching furniture is a common issue for pet owners, but you can change their behavior by changing how your furniture feels. Aluminum foil is something everyone has in their pantry, so get it and line all of your most affected furniture in it. 

This isn't the most convenient option for the upholstery on your couches and chairs, but it's great for keeping cats off of hard surfaces, like tables that you're not actively using. Cats generally try to avoid slippery surfaces, so when they jump up and slide around on the foil, they'll jump right off again.

Another thing you can try is putting double-sided tape on the same types of surfaces. It might sound cruel to place something sticky and uncomfortable where your cat jumps, but it's completely safe for their fur and pads. They can't stand having something stuck to them, which is why this is such a popular tactic.

3. Scare Them Straight (Safely)

When your cat doesn't respond to the methods we've already discussed, the next step is to try and freak them out. The best way to do this is by taking an aluminum pan - or anything that'll make a loud noise - and placing it precariously on the edge of the surface that they're frequently jumping on.

The idea is that when your cat lands on the surface, their weight will cause the pan to fall off onto the floor. It'll make a bang that scares your cat and, hopefully, they'll associate the noise with jumping on the surface in question.

This will only work if the pan lands on non-carpeted surfaces. Again, it might sound cruel to try and scare your cat this way, which is why it should be a last-ditch resort. It won't harm them, but it might freak them out enough to stop jumping on your furniture and counters.

4. Real-Time Training

If you're dealing with a younger cat, it's easier to train them, though you can try this with an older cat too. Put some water into a spray bottle and diligently squirt your cat with water every single time they jump on your furniture. 

This is a classic method for training your cat. That being said, it's not always successful, especially with older cats that have established patterns of behavior. For kittens, it takes time and dedication, but it's a surefire way to make your cat realize what's okay and what's not.

5. Give Them Their Own Furniture

Sometimes, the best thing to do is to give your cat something else they can jump on and scratch. Cat trees are amazing for enticing cats and kittens alike away from your furniture and towards their own. 

The beauty of cat trees is that they come in all shapes and sizes to fit your cat's personality type. Most of them come with comfy beds that your cat won't be able to resist lounging on. You can also get ones with scratching posts that help them burn that desire to dig their claws into something.

At Pet Crates Direct, we have a wide selection of cat trees and other comfortable surfaces for your cat to spread out upon.

6. Keep Distractions Around

Last, but not least, you can try and distract your cat by keeping fun toys around the house. Even old cats can't resist a bouncy toy or a dangly string, so every time they jump on your furniture, toss a toy in the other direction and watch them run after it.

It's not the method that'll train your cat, but it's the one that'll take care of business in a pinch. Something like the Jackson Galaxy Space Station will distract your cat for ages while you're watching TV or eating dinner. That's just one of countless cat toys we have in stock at all times.

Learning How to Keep Cats Off Furniture

Learning how to keep cats off furniture is a marathon, not a sprint. It's important to be patient with your cat and try every combination of these tips out before you give up and resign yourself to fur-covered, torn-to-bits furniture.

At Pet Crates Direct, our goal is to help dog and cat owners live a simpler life with our inventory of pet products. Check out our inventory today and treat your cat to something special. 

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