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Golden Retriever – Fun Facts and Crate Size

42" dog crate Crate Size Dog Crate Sizes Golden Retriever Large

Golden Retriever - Fun Facts and Crate Size

Golden Retrievers

Quick Facts:

  • AKC Recognized in 1925
  • Lifespan: 11 to 12 years
  • Size: Large
  • Energy: Medium
  • Recommended Crate Size: 42” dog crate*

Return to the main Dog Crate Sizes Breed Chart.


The Golden Retriever was first bred in the late 19th century in the Scottish Highlands. They were bred with excellent scenting abilities which were originally used to hunt birds in both water and on land. Due to their smelling abilities and intelligence, this dog is ideal for training in various important jobs.

They are good companions as guide dogs for the blind, sniffing out drugs and bombs in airports, and are also known to take part in lifesaving efforts such as water rescue.

The Golden Retriever is considered the fourth smartest of dog breeds in the world. Due to its intelligence and social nature, the Golden has been known to become lonely and sad when left alone for extended periods of time.

They require frequent human interaction and should not be left alone for more than six to seven hours at a time.


The American Kennel Club recognized the Golden Retriever in 1925. These medium energy dogs are known as a symmetrical, active and powerful dog. The Golden is an eager, self-confident, and alert breed.

This dog loves being in the water and is generally easy to obedience train. Goldens are suitable for suburban residences and country environments.


The Golden Retriever is a long coat dog with a thick inner coat to provide them enough warmth, with an outer coat that lies flat on their body. This outer coat repels water.

The American type of Golden Retriever is typically less muscular and is lankier than the British breed. They have a darker color with various shades of golden.

The British type is commonly lighter in color with its coating ranging from a gold to cream shade.


It is highly recommended to provide feed formulated to a large sized breed. Adult Goldens can eat between 2-2.5 cups of feed per day. It is recommended to discuss your dog's feed with your veterinarian or dog breeder in order to determine the size and frequency of meals to ensure the health and lifespan. It is also important to ensure to provide clean and fresh water every day.


This dog requires regular grooming and baths. Grooming should be done once a week, increasing to once a day during heavier shedding periods.

The coat will generally shed once a year but it is not uncommon for this to increase to twice a year. Even though shredding is unavoidable, regular grooming will lessen the loose shedding hair from this breed.

If your pet has severe shedding which leaves bald spots, this often signals sickness or stress. The Golden's ears are prone to infections so they need regular cleaning. 


The Golden Retriever requires daily exercise such as long walks and jogs. Many owners provide brisk exercise by bringing them alongside them while cycling.  

Helpful training tip: if you keep the dog beside or behind you; it will reinforce that you are the leader, which makes obedience training much easier.

Obviously, exercise can include one of their loved activities of retrieving balls and frisbees. Make sure to exercise your Golden regularly to avoid excess energy leading to difficult training or destructive behaviors.

Dog Crate Size

Pet Crates Direct recommends 42” dog crates* for most adult Golden Retrievers.

  * Links for crate sizes will bring you to the most appropriate Amazon page.

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