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French Bulldog – Fun Facts and Crate Size

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French Bulldog - Fun Facts and Crate Size

French Bulldog

Quick Facts:

  • AKC recognized in 1898
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years
  • Size: Small
  • Energy: Medium
  • Recommended Crate Size: 30” dog crate*

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Sometimes shortened to Frenchie, the French Bulldog was a result of breeding between English Bulldogs with local French ratters.

Beside ratters, French Bulldogs are also good companion dogs. Nowadays they mostly focus on their job as fabulous show dogs and family friends. 

Certain colored fur can be rare so do not be surprised if you are put in the waiting list before you get one.


The American Kennel Club formally recognized the French Bulldog in 1898. These medium energy dogs are known as show dogs and ranked as 6th most popular dog breed by the AKC.

French bulldogs are not for clean neat freaks because they drool a lot and are prone to flatulence and some shedding. They are dependable watchdogs but quite often become territorial.

They also like to be the center of attention. Frenchies have average intelligence and do not bark excessively so they will be suitable your apartment living.


French Bulldogs weigh under 28 pounds and are 11 to 13 inches in height. They appear as active, smart, and muscular dogs with heavy and relatively big bones.

They have a smooth coat that comes in brindle, brindle white, cream, fawn, fawn white, fawn brindle, white, white brindle, white fawn, cream white, and fawn brindle white colors.

There are 5 markings recognized by AKC which are ticked, black mask, brindle markings, piebald, and white markings but only the first is recognized as standard.


It is recommended to provide feed formulated to small-medium sized breeds.

It is highly recommended to discuss your dog’s feed with your veterinarian and/or breeder in order to determine the size and frequency of meals in order to ensure a healthy, long life.

It is also important to ensure that clean, fresh water is always available.


Grooming a Frenchie doesn’t entail a lot.  There is no need for coat clipping since his hair is short in length. 

They do shed though...not a lot but enough that you will want to brush him regularly.  Doing so about once per week is sufficient and will keep his coat healthy and shedding to a minimum.

Interestingly, they don’t tend to wear down their toenails much.  Especially with French Bulldog puppies, clipping their toenails once a month is imperative.  That will keep them from cracking, chipping or overgrowing.

Bathe your French Bulldog as needed.  He shouldn’t have much in the way of body or coat odor.  Especially when he is a puppy, you can actually bath him in the sink. Keep their facial wrinkles dry and clean, especially when you bathe your pet. 

Brushing his teeth will be a must.  Brushing several times per week should be enough to keep halitosis at bay.  It will keep his teeth and gums on the healthy side and will help to prevent tooth decay and loss too.

The ears should be checked and cleaned with a damp, warm cloth around the edge of the canal. Never use a Q-tip though.  He may suffer from dry ears so a dab of oil, like baby oil, will do him good. 

His nose may have a tendency to be dry as well.  A little baby oil will help it too.

Consider starting grooming your dogs at a young age, teaching them to stand will make grooming much easier for you and your Frenchies.

Do not forget to check if there is any skin lesions, scabs, bare spots, flaky skin, or infection to remedy.


Frenchies do not need lots of exercise, as they are calm dogs. But to keep them fit at a healthy weight, take them for daily walks around 20-30 minutes in duration.

Monitor them on hot days to avoid overexertion since they do not endure heat very well.

They are trainable, which makes them popular show dogs, but sometimes can become stubborn so make sure you or a professional train them firmly, yet gently.

Leaving them with children and other dogs is okay, as long as it is under your close supervision.

Pet Crate Size

Pet Crates Direct recommends 30” dog crates* for most adult French Bulldogs.

* Links for crate sizes will bring you to the most appropriate Amazon page.

More on the French Bulldog

“Once a fan of the Frenchie, always a Frenchie fan.”  When it comes to French Bulldogs, it seems that once a person has owned one, they are hooked on them for life. 

There’s just something about the bat-eared, smooshed nose, odd-looking beauties that has a unique, addicting appeal. 

Their under-bite only adds to their attraction, which is in the eye of the beholder.

Getting Down to the Roots

The French Bulldog is a curious cross between French ratters and English Bulldogs that took place in Normandy, France. 

The purpose of the breeding was to produce a smaller version of the Bulldog in order to serve for bull-bait in pit fighting. 

The French Bulldogs were wildly popular companion dogs with lace workers in England. 

When the workers migrated to France in search of better jobs, they brought their beloved French Bulldogs with them.  And so it was that by the 1800’s, the “Frenchies” bulldozed their way into the hearts of the people and became household pets. 

The AKC first recognized the breed in 1898.


Today, French Bulldogs are all the rage. They are expected to become the most popular breed in the United Kingdom this year. 

In America, they are one of the top dogs too, taking the number one spot in New York, Miami, and San Francisco.  In fact, they are so coveted in the US, they are the third most stolen breed!

French Bulldogs have starred in their share of movies as well.  “Babe - Pig in the City” had a Frenchie in it.  “Grease”, “Titanic” and “The Shaggy Dog” are others that featured them as well.

Celebrities are wild about their Bulldogs.  Lady Gaga, Reese Witherspoon and Chrissy Teigen all have a Frenchie.

Sadly, one of the most famous Frenchies of all times was the one that was aboard the Titanic when it went down in 1912.  His name was Gamin De Pycombe.  He belonged to a 27 year old banker named Robert Daniel who reportedly had purchased him for a small fortune prior to the trip.  A passenger who survived the catastrophe reported to have seen the dog swimming but no traces of him were ever found.

Behold the Beauty

While some other dogs might look a bit more regal, beauty is definitely in the eyes of the one who beholds it. 

The flat-faced French Bulldog has a grace all its own.  It sports a short, easy to care for coat and French Bulldog colors range from white or cream to brindle and most every combination in between.

They are medium-size with unusually heavy bones and are built like tanks - short, stout and muscular. They are powerful pups, in no uncertain terms. 


While most Frenchies sport the same general look and feel and the same 28 pounds or less in weight, there are some exceptions.

The Blue French Bulldogs have a blue hue or tint to their coat.  The coloration is caused by color pigmentation due to genetics. There are Blue Fawns and Blue Brindles.

French Bulldog size can vary too.  There are pint-sized versions of the Frenchies, -Toy French Bulldogs, Miniature French Bulldogs, and TeaCup French Bulldogs.


Frenchies are oozing with personality.  They are curious, alert and playful.  Their expressions are priceless.  Although they have their fair share of energy, they are also able to relax with the family and can be quite easygoing. 

This breed is very entertaining. They enjoy the attention they get from doing amusing things which can be conducive to training...or not.  Frenchies are also humorous, and always into something.

While they are compliant when they want to be, if they chose not to be, they definitely stand their ground.  Frenchies are so stout and strong, they actually dig their heels in protest.  So if you are trying to sway one...good luck!

Possible Medical Conditions of Frenchies

While your Frenchie may never incur even one single medical woe, there are a number of conditions that they are prone to get.  One is deafness. 

It is passed down from generation to generation so do keep your eyes and ears peeled for any concerning signs or symptoms your dog portrays. 

A Baer test can be conducted by a veterinarian specializing in neuroscience if you suspect he may have a hearing problem.

Hip Dysplasia is not uncommon in the breed at all.  The condition involves the ball of the femur not residing in the pelvic socket as it should.  It is characterized by pain, limping and sometimes complete immobility.  Surgery can correct or improve the issue.

Since dogs have three eyelids, an upper, lower and corner one, sometimes the third one, in the corner has a tendency to cause trouble in Frenchies.

The membrane is designed to protect his eye but sometimes becomes inflamed and red.  The underlying root of the protrusion can be removed and a surgical replacement of the membrane can be put in.

Brachycephalic Respiratory Syndrome is a medical condition that actually may stem from the breed’s flat shaped head with a pushed in nose.  Many dogs that sport the look are prone to the condition in which he may breathe noisily, snore and snort. 

The condition can affect his lungs too and make him exercise intolerant. Dogs with severe cases of the malady will breathe through their mouths.

Tracheal Stenosis is a condition in which a dog’s windpipe (trachea) is narrowed.  It is a squeezing pressure on it that causes the condition. 

If your Frenchie is undergoing anesthesia, it is a good idea to have him checked by way of a radiograph to eliminate the condition.  If he does have it, extra precautions will need to be taken during surgery.

Heat stress is common, across the board, to most Frenchies.  While most dogs cool themselves off by panting, short-faced, short-snouted canines are unable to do so or at least not nearly as effective. 

It is imperative to realize his inability to deal with too much heat at all and to care for him accordingly.

Training Time

Once you get past the stubborn streak, you’ve scored when it comes to training a Frenchie.  You will need to be firm yet loving.  Lavishing attention on him will bring out the best in him.  When you get him wanting to comply, training will be a cinch. 

Family Matters

French Bulldogs are perfect pooches for family life.  Perhaps that is why they are so popular.  They absolutely love their humans and can, at times, become overly attached. 

They can also be very territorial.  The two traits combined make the Frenchie a decent watchdog.

Frenchies are very engaging.  They are always up for a game of fetch or to play ball.  They can also be found snuggling with the family on the sofa, watching television. 

One area Frenchies don’t do well in is being left alone in the backyard.  They are quite sensitive to heat and to extreme cold too.  Furthermore, they aren’t fond of being left alone anywhere, but especially outdoors.

On the flip side, they work well in small spaces, if need be.  If you live in an apartment or rent a room, owning a Frenchie is not out of the question.  They don’t generally bark much so you and your neighbors are in luck in that department.

They certainly have a mind of their own.  While that makes for plenty of charm in the personality department, it also means that they can be so independent that they are stubborn.

With lots of love and patience, French Bulldogs make excellent family members.  If you can put up with a little bull-headedness, you might just find you are a French fan, just like so many others are.

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