Catahoula Leopard Dog
Quick Facts:
- Not AKC Recognized
- Life Expectancy: 10-14 years
- Size: Medium to Large
- Energy: Medium
- Recommended Crate Size: 48" dog crate*
Return to main Dog Crate Size Breed Chart.
The Catahoula Leopard Dog is a handsome fellow although he is odd-looking indeed. As his name implies, his appearance certainly resembles a leopard. He’s a rare beauty who originated in the good ole USA, in Louisiana, as a matter of fact. He easily earned the title of the State Dog of his homeland.
The hard-working Catahoula is one of the few dogs that began as a working dog breed and remains largely such to date. He is an excellent family dog, watchdog, and companion pooch but he is best in the elements he was born for - helping catch, gather, and drive cattle and wild hogs to market and other duties down on the range in the bayou.
If you are hog wild about the Catahoula Leopard Dog and are thinking about doing a round-up of your own to bring this dog into your life, there are some things you should know before doing so. This isn’t your everyday doggie. Nope. He’s definitely one of a kind, in his looks and in his temperament. And this dog doesn’t change his spots just because you bring him off the farm into your home. He’s true, through and through...spot after spot. So, let’s connect the dots...shall we?
The Catahoula Leopard Dog, also known as the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog or Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Hound, is a breed that was originally created in 1979 to hunt wild boar. Named for the Louisiana parish of Catahoula in the state of Louisiana, this dog is one of the most unusual canines around. His spots give him the art in his name of “Leopard Dog” or “Leopard Hound”. He isn’t a hound at all though. Instead, he’s a Cur which is a term for a mixed breed, all-around nameless dog. Most like to refer to this fellow as a “hog dog” and...rightly so for that he is!
It all began for the Catahoula Leopard Dog in northern Louisiana when the first settlers realized arrived and found the wooded area was completely overrun with wild boar or hogs. The hogs were both dangerous and destructive. They trampled gardens and fields and people and pets too. Something had to be done and fast!
The settlers knew they needed a breed of dog that was able to herd the ferocious wild dogs to not only rid the premises of them but to lead them to slaughter as well for they were good eating. A perk would be a dog who was also capable of herding other livestock, in a much gentler manner.
Through the breeding of several kinds of dogs which Beaucerons, sighthounds, Mastiffs and even red wolves were a part of, the Catahoula Leopard Dog came to be. When he was voted into place as the state dog of Louisiana, many called him the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog. He was formally recognized into the United Kennel Club in 1995 and the very next year was invited into the American Kennel Club’s Foundation Stock Service which was a huge accomplishment for the breed and got him a step closer to being an American Kennel Club member. To date, that has not happened...yet. He is, however, able to be shown in AKC companion events.
The Louisiana Catahoula is the only dog who has been successfully bred in the state. He is known for his mix of haphazard spots and colorings. He’s as smart as a whip too.
The Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog is a rugged work dog. He had to be in order to contend with the likes of wild hogs that have known to kill dogs, other animals, and people too. He is extremely athletic and smart as well. In addition to that, he’s obedient so he can definitely be trained.
This dog is not a good candidate for an apartment or small condo. He’s very flexible and adaptable but only within reason. He will do well on a farm, ranch, or somewhere where he can stretch out and do his thing. He makes a great outside dog but still benefits from being sheltered from extreme weather or brought in for the night.
This dog is a herding dog. You’ll never get his strong herding instincts totally out of him so it’s best not to even try. Why would you anyway? He is a master herding, bred and born to do what he does best. He will sometimes try to herd his pet parents and even the children (or...the mailman). This behavior should be nipped in the bud lest anyone is nipped in the rear because if his subject doesn’t move quickly enough or in the right direction, he will nip. It’s a harmless nibble but it’s definitely not acceptable behavior when he’s not herding the hogs, sheep, or cattle.
He’s such a champ at his game, he’s traveled abroad to Venezuela to round up wild cattle there. And, of course, he aced the challenge.
The Catahoula isn’t right for just everyone and everyone isn’t right for him either. This dog is very headstrong, again attributed to his heritage. He will require a pet parent who is equally as strong if not more so. He simply cannot have a wimpy owner. He’s also not the best choice for a first-time dog owner.
This breed is smart beyond belief with the right training. They make excellent therapy dogs and service dogs but the absolutely must be trained properly to do such work.
There are three basic lines of this breed. The Wright Line was developed by an enthusiast named Mr. Preston Wright. Originally, the line was from Hermando de Soto’s dogs. This line is the largest with dogs weighing in at anywhere from 90 to 110 pounds.
The Fairbanks Line embraces the 65-75 pounders. They were developed by Mr. Lovie Fairbankds and thus...the name. They are yellow to brindle in coloring.
The smaller of the lines is the McMillin Line which has a range of 50-60 pounds. They were developed by Mr. T.A. McMillin of Lousiana and are known for their glass eyes.
The three lines have been crossed back and forth, over and over, which has played a huge role in the huge variation seen in the breed today.
With his striking appearance and super strong work ethics, this dog is someone’s dream. If you think he might be yours, keep on to find out more fun facts about the Cajun Cun.
Either you love the look or you don’t. There’s rarely a middle ground for those who are fans (or not) or the Catahoula Leopard Dog. Whether you consider him to be breathtakingly gorgeous or a bit on the humorous side, this dog has earned every one of his spots and that, you can count on. Everything about his appearance screams of his pig hunting talents. Even still, his appearance is not treasured near as much as his ability to hunt. That is what is prized most in this spotted guy.
The CLD is a medium to large size dog. Weight for the breed usually vacillates between 50 to just short of 100 pounds. He ranges from 22 to 26 inches in height. Females are typically a bit smaller than males but not always.
The muscular build of this dog spotlights his strength and might. He is powerful and confident. His legs are tone and stout with great muscle tone. Other than the fact that he is a showman of brute strength and agility, the Catahoula is quite varied in looks from one to the next. Even his weight is an example of that.
Once again proving how unique each of the Catahoula Leopards is his coloring. Some are blue merle or red merle while some sport solid colors or even brindle. There are also gray or silver leopards which are actually “slate grays” that has dulled over time. Tri-colored Catahoulas are not uncommon and you may see tri-colors or quad-colors too. Even the solid coated CLDs usually have some splashes of other colors mixed in like small spots of white on their chest, legs, or chest. Those who look most like leopards are generally merles which is the result of a gene. White leopards are the exception to the rule. They are often times pure while.
And...again! The textures of coats have some differences too. There are slick, almost painted on ones, spotted, and coarse ones too. Slick coats are generally shorter and stick close to the body while coarse coats are fuller and longer and feather and fluff in the leg and tail area. For registration though, the Catahoula’s coat is to be short and slick.
Was it mentioned that this breed is truly unique? If not, it’s time to state that fact. It is very common for the Catahoula Leopard to have cracked glass or marbled eyes which means that the colored and glass parts of their eyes are present in both eyes. Some are blue or blue-white and both the colored and there are some that are even half one color and half another color. Then again, some have specs or streaks in them. There is a myriad of variations you may find in the CLDs eyes both in patterns and in coloring.
If you thought at least the tails of the Lousiana Catahoula would be the same, think again. They are as varied as the rest of the parts tend to be. There are those who have a bobtail, meaning a tail that is a vertebra shorter than regular ones. Others have a long, whip tail while some have a...get this...question mark shaped tail.
Finally, there is something that the CLD usually shares in common...his webbed feet. This dog is quite a swimmer and the webbing in between his toes is part of the reason why he can cut the water so fast. The webbing actually goes almost all the way to the end of his toes which is quite rare. It is extremely helpful to him though because he can even champion the marshy areas.
Through and through, the Catahoula Leopard is uniquely designed for being a heroic hunting and herding dog. No matter what variety, spots or no spots, his zeal and skill make him who he is and he’s an expert at that.
Pet Crate Size
Pet Crates Direct recommends a 48" dog crates* for most adult Catahoula Leopard Dogs.
More Information
Combine energy and intelligence and you have...the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog. He’s a class act when it comes to being in his element - herding wild boar. He takes nothing from no one unless perhaps his owner who he should take commands from. He is quite the assertive fellow and can have some issues such as being aggressive and not so good with strangers - both human and animal types.
When his blueprints were created, they did not designate who or what he was to herd, just that he was to herd. Herding runs through his blood and he will herd anything from wild boar to a bowling ball. Young children and cats are no exception. He absolutely cannot be trusted not to do so with pocket pets, chickens, or anything that moves. For this reason, he does best when in his natural working environment. If you have jobs to do around the ranch or farm, the Catahoula will make the perfect helper. He can be trained to help with a number of chores out on the land but doesn’t do well in an apartment or confined setting and is not at his best without a job to do.
The Catahoula must have ample exercise. Failure to give that to him will lead to nothing good. He is likely to display destructive behavior, become aggressive, and will so bored it would not be fair to him.
The Louisiana Cat loves his people. He’s even good with children. It is important to note that he still needs supervision when he is around young children, especially toddlers who might accidentally run into him or pull his ears or tail. He’s very patient but he’s also bred to fight wild pigs and to herd livestock. You can’t expect him to take too much abuse. Generally, he’s very tolerant but be on the safe side and always be around...just in case.
He’s a protector and you can count on him to have your back if a burglar comes through the door, or if the mailman drops off another one of those suspicious packages again. He must be taught who is a friend and who is a foe. That’s a must. You’ll need to supervise him around strangers although he is usually readily accepting of strangers who are children. Adults...not so much.
Contrary to what many believe or assume, the Catahoula doesn’t do well if he is left outside by himself all or most of the time. He has the need to be around his humans. He will, however, be fine and entertain himself for long intervals outdoors on a farm or ranch but only if he is getting his daily dose of affection and love.
If you are wanting a zany, goofy personality, you won’t find it in the Catahoula. He’s independent, yet loving and loyal but he is not one to perch on your lap or to be dependent. This pooch is more business-minded than most. He’s a working dog, after all. He can be left alone for extended times providing he has something to do, like playing with some fun toys in the backyard.
This dog is alert. He’s always on his toes which is a good thing. He definitely needs to be socially conditioned or he will drive you nuts - sounding his alarm for anything and everyone. Still, he’s super smart and surprisingly even-tempered.
The hunting traits the Catahoula Leopard Dog possesses are almost unreal. His skills are second to not. He can track prey from miles and miles away. His hunting not only is for boars but also for with feral, mountain lions, black bear, raccoons, deer, squirrels and most anything else that moves. They even have a method they have found to be quite effective which is sneaking up on their victim without making a sound until they are face to face and eye to eye. Then, they begin their notorious baying. And, they can bay! That’s another thing you’ll need to work on with him...when to bay and when not to bay.
These dogs are such good pig hunters, they have traveled near and far to do their thing such as Australia and New Zealand.
Not only does this dog hunt, but he also herds too. Herding pigs to slaughter was on his chore list from the very beginning. He is great at herding cattle and reindeer too. He is best at intimidating his subjects to keep them in line and is pro at preventing them from entering or exiting a specific area. No wonder he’s recognized by the AKC as an official herding class dog.
This dog was born to give it all he’s got, every minute of every day. Bred with the job of hunting and herding wild pigs in mind, the Louisiana Catahoula is a powerhouse of energy and courage. To deprive releasing his energy, even for one day, will only spell disaster for you and misery for him. If you cannot commit to providing one to two hours of exercise for this pup, on a daily basis, please just pass him up and give him a shot at a pet parent who can.
The Catahoula will see to it that he gets ample exercise if he is in his element, like on a farm or ranch. Still, it is recommended that you take him for a formal walk regularly - every day. Doing so will promote bonding between the two of you and will also reinforce your leadership role. You must have a firm pack leader mentality with this dog because he sure has one. He is born to respect the leader of the pack and you must be that, no matter what. Otherwise, he will assume that he is and you’ll become one he will herd into obedience.
There are some things you can do to establish your leadership like making sure your Catahoula walks beside or behind you when on the leash. Invite him to go for a walk with you. He is under you, not above. Be sure to keep a good pace and refrain him from stopping along the way to sniff, dig, and constantly pee.
This dog needs a good amount of walking so two 45 minute to one hour walks a day is excellent. At least one 1 hour walk at the bare minimum is at least acceptable.
In between walks, the CLD needs lots of activity and stimulation. He will create much of his own entertainment if he has the space to do so but he will also enjoy time with his human. Games that resemble tasks are excellent for this breed. He’s a tree dog, stock dog, bay dog, herding dog, and hunter...all wrapped up in one interesting package so there is a long list of games and activities you can choose from.
Drive ball is a favorite among all herding dogs. It’s basically herding a golf ball all around the course. There is a similar game called Threibball that is played with an inflatable ball and a team of dogs. It is much like soccer for dogs. It has made waves in places like Australia and Germany and is becoming quite popular in California too. The Louisiana Cat would be an excellent addition to any Threibball team.
This dog is great to take along wherever you go like on a hike or trip to the lake. He loves going on outings. He makes great company too and is always up for some athletic activities.
Don’t forget to offer some brain stimulation in this dog’s exercise routine. He is very, very smart and you don’t want his active brain to go to waste because it is never challenged. You can find some great brain game activities online or can grab a hardback book or eBook with a number of brain game exercises instructions. Have him fetch or herd his toys by name and other smart tricks. He will amaze you...guaranteed.
This pooch is highly trainable. He was designed to work for humans which, of course, required him to be sharp and obedient. And, he certainly is both. You will need to have your pack leadership clearly intact in order to fulfill his training lessons but with that established, it should be a piece of cake.
The way in which you interact with your Catahoula, even outside of being his pack leader, is extremely important. You must, no doubt, be firm. You also must be loving and gentle at the same time. Was patience mentioned? You will need to practice some patience too but he will make it all well worth your while.
Building your pup’s self-confidence is helpful too. He will be very happy to make you happy when he feels he is doing it right. He’s a self-starter and an independent fellow. When you work with him to let his skills shine, he’ll work with you in return. Nothing could be sweeter or more effective. He’s also got a stubborn streak so if you get him going on the wrong paw, you will have a world of trouble training him.
Socialization is a must with the Catahoula. His being exposed to a number of various situations and a good amount of people with different personalities will make all the difference in the world for how he will interact with humans and animals and react to situations. What he learns about socialization in his early years will follow him his entire life so be sure to take him to busy, loud places as well as spots of solitude where he can’t bark or bay.
Let him meet and mingle with all sorts of people, young and old, loud and quiet. Introduce him to other dogs as well. He can meet cats too but only if highly supervised. He can learn to get along with cats if raised alongside them but may be apt to give chase to strange cats or kittens. He should do well with other dogs.
Potty training will be necessary early in his life too, if he is going to be inside the home. It is a good idea to housebreak him even if he’s an outside dog. You never know when a situation might warrant him needing to come inside for a time such as a medical reason or severe weather. He is one who prefers to do his business outdoors so there isn’t usually much of an issue where potty training is concerned.
Obedience training is for his sake and for his safety as well as for the safety and well-being of those around him - both humans and animals. Be sure that he obeys without bribery of a treat or any other measure. The point of obedience training is that he will sit, stay, heel, or anything else you tell him to do and that he does it automatically without even thinking. That way, if a car is coming and you tell him to sit so he doesn’t run after it, he does. You’d be in trouble and he would too if he was only obedient if you had a treat in hand and you didn’t have one. He should master all the basic commands and add some in for good measure too because he’s a smart fellow and can learn them all very quickly. Keep him on his toes by going over them frequently.
Agility training is right down this athletic dog’s alley. He can climb through tunnels and do everything else this course requires him to do and can do it all in record timing. He will do well with formal classes but you might also consider building him one in his own backyard. Being such an active dog, it’s an excellent idea to channel his energy and stimulate him mentally too.
Lure course training is another activity the Catahoula excels in. He loves giving chase and the mechanical lures entice him to go after them, using his mental and physical abilities. Again, you can take him in for formal classes or build him a course in his own backyard.
Trick training is lots of fun with the CLD. He can learn almost anything you want to teach him. He can shake, roll over, play dead, and he’s a pro at learning to fetch toys by name. Let him make up his own tricks too. He’s quite creative when it comes to doing so.
Brain game training should not be ignored. He will shine and when you are proud of him, he’ll soak it up. This dog is brilliant on my levels so let him strut his intellectual ability and praise him lavishly for doing well.
It is highly recommended for you to speak to your vet or breeder when deciding what dog food to feed your Catahoula and how often to feed him. The amount is another subject to address. For sure you will want to give him high-quality food that is specially formulated for his size and energy level.
If your dog isn’t getting enough exercise, he may tend to become overweight. This breed loves treats and human food which can spur his weight gain if. Obesity in dogs is as dangerous as it is in humans. It can lead to a world of medical woes like heart disease, Diabetes, and bone and joint issues. Be sure to limit his snacking a people food and see to it that he exercises like he needs to.
As with all animals, you’ll want to make sure he has plenty of clean, fresh water available at all times.
Catahoulas are bred to be fit and trim. A good way to tell if your Catahoula is in good physical shape is to take a good look at him. It is best to stand up and look down at him. He should sport a waistline. If he doesn’t, he may be a little on the heavy side. You can also check him by putting your hands on his back with your thumbs rolling along his spine.
Spread your fingers downward and see if you can feel his ribs without touching him very hard. If you can, great. But, if not, he might be needing a little less food and a lot more exercise. A chunky Catahoula is just not a good thing because, unlike some other breeds who naturally are a little fluffier, he is not and it is not healthy for him.
The Cata Leopard tends to shed lightly all year round with a little more going on when the seasons change. Brushing him can help keep his coat shiny and clean. It will also help to reduce shedding.
Talk about low maintenance, unless he gets skunked (and...he just might) or really dirty or smelly, this dog only requires a bath two or three times per year. Because he doesn’t need one on a regular basis, he might not be too fond of them though. To be honest, he probably wouldn’t like them much even if he was bathed weekly. Fortunately, that’s not the case.
Be sure to use dog-friendly, gentle shampoo on him. Hypoallergenic is best and perfume and dye free. Examine his coat and skin as you bathe him to make sure that all is well. He tends to get into briars and such so you’ll want to doctor him up if he has.
Pay close attention to his ears. If they appear red or irritated or inflamed, take him in to see his veterinarian. This breed is apt to get ear infections. If left untreated, they can become so serious they warrant surgery or cause deafness which this dog has enough trouble with without pushing his luck.
His toenails should wear down naturally if he is out in the elements as often as he’d like to be. Still, you’ll want to check them for any splitting, cracking, or chipping and tend to the matter immediately if he has any of those issues because as active as he is, he could break a nail very easily. Be sure to keep them clipped down short if they haven’t worn down and keep them free of mud, dirt, and debris. The Cata Leopard is not a big fan of having his feet messed with so you’ll want to talk softly to him as you do anything near his paws or nails.
Brushing your Louisiana Catahoula’s teeth is imperative. With a good doggie flavored toothpaste and a doggie toothbrush, you’ll have no problem in doing so. Brushing his teeth will keep them free of tartar and plaque build-up and will be good for his gum health too. He will need them brushed at least once per week. When you brush his teeth, examine them and his gums too. If you note any problems, it’s time for a check-up.
Aside from those few things, your Catahoula is basically maintenance free. Nice!
The Catahoula Leopard Hog Dog is a healthy soul, typically. His life expectancy is generally 10-14 years. He’s athletic and robust. There are, however, some medical conditions that are common to the breed that you should watch out for so you can get him right in to be seen and treated if needed, should any signs arise.
Acquiring your pup from a well-trusted, reputable breeder with a number of verifiable references is always the first place to start. The uniqueness of this dog makes it tempting for irresponsible, greedy breeders to step in and risk having healthy litters from parents that weren’t healthy or who had the potential to breed off-springs with medical problems that went ignored.
Never hesitate to ask to see all the paperwork and test results from not only the puppy you are considering but his parents as well. A breeder who is on the level will never mind you doing so and will be happy to provide the information requested. Don’t forget that there are rescue organizations and shelters where you can find Catahoulas too.
Some medical issues to keep an eye out for are:
Deafness is a problem that is far too common in this breed. It is a genetic issue that is passed down which has to do with the lack of melanocytes. The condition is especially prevalent in Catahoula dogs that are predominantly white in color. Being mostly white actually gives this breed an 80% chance of having this disorder, unfortunately, or of being uni-laterally or bi-laterally deaf, at least.
Oftentimes deaf pups are euthanized immediately but it should be noted that dogs are very resilient and can adapt to being deaf, especially if they are not going to be professional hunting and pig herding dogs. Merle colored Louisiana Catahoulas have a 25% chance of being both blind and deaf at birth. They are called “Double Merles”. “Double Merles” are usually born from situations where one or both of the parents are merle. This is an area where responsible breeders take genetic risks into consideration where greedy breeders do not.
Hip Dysplasia is another medical woe that CLDs are prone to. While the issue can be caused by environmental factors like jumping off cliffs too often or running on uneven terrain for years at a time, the type seen with the Catahoula is usually genetic in nature and present at birth. A radiograph will usually show if the condition is present or not.
With around 20% of all Catas being subject to Hip Dysplasia, it’s a good idea to have the test run on your pup. Hip Dysplasia involves an abnormal formation of the socket the hip fits into. It may begin gradually but eventually, the problem can cause crippling lameness with arthritic pain in the joints. Environmental factors can aggravate and accelerate it so if your dog has been diagnosed with it, you’ll want to try to keep him from jumping down from high places and other activities that can spur the problem further. If your Cata has this condition or if you suspect that he does, his vet can go over treatment options with you. Surgery may be recommended.
Eye problems seem to plague this breed. The merle gene that gives this breed his gorgeous leopard spots can sometimes give him eye conditions and defects too, sadly. It can not only spot his coat but the iris of his eye too. This can be found in one or both eyes. The result can be devastating blindness or serious eye problems, at best. The abnormalities occur within the back or the front of the eye or a combination of both in a condition called Merle Ocular Dysgenesis.
There are varying degrees of eye issues and it may or may not be accompanied by deafness as well. If the pup is dramatically affected, he will be blind at birth. Otherwise, he tends to develop the condition over time. If you see that your Catahoula is bumping into things or not focusing on you when you talk to him, it’s time to take him for an eye exam right away.
Cataracts are another eye problem this breed has quite often. Cataracts may develop over time or may be present at a young age with the CLD. The problem involves a film over the eye which may just be a tiny spec or can cover the entire iris. There is treatment available that is generally quick and affordable. If left untreated, Cataracts can cause blindness.
Cranial Cruciate Disease is associated with the ACL ligament which affects the meniscus which is a cartilage-like structure between the thigh (femur) and shin, or tibia, bone. The area serves as a shock resistor but when this disease is present, there is no cushion. It can affect one or both knees. The problem can be very painful and debilitating.
While this ailment can be caused by environmental factors, obesity, and other sources, in the Catahoula Leopard Dog, it is generally due to a hereditary issue. Symptoms include difficulty getting up from a sitting position, decreased range of motion, lameness, limping, muscle atrophy, decreased activity level, and not wanting to play or do things he loved to do before. If you suspect your dog has Cranial Cruciate Disease, he will need to go in for a diagnosis immediately.
The Catahoula Leopard Dog is tough but some of the diseases he is prone to are tough ones as well. Although your Hog Dog stands a good chance of living a long, healthy and happy life, the problems above certainly warrant watching out for. By catching any medical condition early on and taking him right in to be diagnosed and treated, if needed, you’ll be giving him the best chance of a full and speedy recovery.
Is a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog Right for Me?
Adopting a dog into your life is a huge decision that must be thoughtfully considered but taking on a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog warrants even more reflection than most. To bring a dog who was bred to wrestle with wild hogs into your home is quite a commitment. Although he makes a wonderful companion and family member, there are some characteristics he has that run through his being like the air he breathes. You can take away from hunting and herding boar but... Yup, you got it. And, herding and hunting are that pronounced in this breed.
But, if you are still hog wild over the Catahoula Leopard Dog and you feel you have spotted your canine soul mate, it’s time to search your heart even deeper. Let’s take a look...
Are you willing to exercise this fine dog for at least one hour of a vigorous formal walk each and every day with some playtime in between? He was bred to hunt wild boar and wrestle them if necessary so he won’t be happy, or well behaved unless he gets his bounding energy out. It would not be fair to him if he was expected to be a couch potato. He’d rather accompany you on a long hike or go for a swim with you.
If you are planning to stick this pooch outside and let him entertain himself all day, forget about it. He wants to be with his human family even more than he wants to hunt and herd. Oh, and yes, he will try to herd anyone and anything so you’ll need to set his boundaries and let him know what he can and can’t push around. But that’s alright, he was born to obey his master out in the field and he’ll obey you too when he’s properly trained.
Are you willing to work with the Louisiana Catahoula in order to mold him into the best pup he can be? It will take that, you know. He’s a diamond in the rough, a Cajun gem for those who will invest some time, patience and energy. Oh, and you’ll also have to be willing to take the helm and be assertive, yet kind.
The Catahoula Leopard dog is unique, not just in his looks but in his personality as well. He’s not for everyone. He can be a handful. He is apt to be a bit stubborn and willful at times and can be independent too. It will take a firm, loving hand to guide him but with the right pet parent, there is no end to his trainability. He’s smart...real smart...sometimes too smart for his own good.
If you still think that this spotted dog will connect the dots on your heart, congratulations. You are in for a rich life when you take this prize pup into your heart and home.
* Links for crate sizes will bring you to the most appropriate Amazon page.