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Broholmer - Fun Facts and Crate Size

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Broholmer - fun facts and crate size


Quick Facts:
  • Not AKC recognized at present
  • Life Expectancy: 7-12 years
  • Size: large
  • Energy: medium
  • Recommended Crate Size: 54" dog crate*

Return to main Dog Crate Size Breed Chart.


It is said that the Danish are the happiest people in the world.  And, why wouldn’t they be with this fine fellow gracing their homeland?  The Broholmer has been around since the Medieval Days, guarding the castles and estates of the wealthy and bringing joy to all!

Akin to the ancient Mollosser breed, this big guy is fierce when need warrants him to be, but he is also quite friendly too.  He’s just a giant Teddy Bear around his family and friends, all about snuggling and warm fuzzy feelings.  It’s not suggested you get on his bad side though which makes him one of the best guard dogs in existence.

If you think you’d like a Broholmer to be your castle keeper, read on to see if that might be a royal idea...or a flush.


The brawny Broholmer, also called the Danish Mastiff, is a breed that originated from a creative cross between local Germany dogs in the area and English Mastiffs.  The breed was named in honor of Sehested of Broholm who was an 18th-century gamekeeper who had a fancy for dogs like the Molossers and English Mastiffs. 

Molossers have, through the years, been mistaken for Mastiffs but they are two entirely different breeds.  Many dogs date back to stemming from Molossers.  Molossers originated in Molossia, an empire of ancient Greece.  Now, any well-build dog who looks like the old version is referred to as a Molosser, generically speaking, but in the days when the Broholmer was created, Molossers ran wild through the countryside and the city too oftentimes.  Many dogs mixed with them randomly and some were bred with them on purpose, like the Broholmer. Molossers, generically speaking or otherwise,  all have very large heads, dewlap, wrinkles upon their foreheads, seriously stout bodies, large muscles in their legs, short necks that are muscular, and they are large.

Mastiffs are large dogs as well.  They have heritage from the Molosser but are a breed all their own.  Mastiffs are more active, as a rule, than the Broho.  They can be calm and loving but they are usually more high strung as well and need more formal exercising.

Breeding two large dogs account for the Broholmer’s large proportions.  He can be intimidating just to look at much less wrestle with.  But, he is a gentle giant for the most part.  Unless, of course, you’re a boar or an intruder.

The new breed from Molossers and Mastiffs, the Broholmer, was fully established in the very early 19th century.  He is recognized in the Danish Kennel Club and also in the Federation Cynologigue International but not in the highly accredited American Kennel Club although he is a member of the Federation Stock which helps to protect his standards but since he really doesn’t sport any of his own, he relies on the standards of the FCI instead.  It is protection all the same.

In the days of old, the Broholmer sometimes hunted for wild boar.  Because of his size and determination, he aced the hunt, time after time.  He’s quite a ferocious barker too.

It was during World War ll that, like many dogs all around the globe, the Broholer suffered hardship.  He was even targeted which most dogs were not but he is a distinct representation of the land so that was not in his favor at that point and time. 

The industrial revolution was not kind to the breed either.  The more development influenced the society, the more land was filled with industries and less farmland and hunting land.  The Danish noblemen became less wealthy too as they were losing much of the land they had enjoyed. The Broholmer suffered due to lack of space and the fact that many of the families who had once owned them were losing their land and had nowhere for them to go.  It was a sad time for the breed and another dangerous encounter with extinction possibilities.

Danish Broholmer fans and dog enthusiasts set about to save the breed during this time.  They found Broholmers in King Frederick Vll’s consort as he and Countess Danner were avid fans of the dogs and kept a good number of them.  They quickly isolated them which, in essence, was the saving grace of the Broholmers.  There is even a portrait of the royal couple and their Broholmer family dog.  It is said that Federick Vll loved Brohos so much that he kept at least one with him at all times, night and day.  He loved them so deeply that they were endearingly called the Dog of Frederick Vll for a time.  Oddly, he named them all “Tyrk”.

A group of Broho fans began to adamantly work on restoring the breed.  They bred the dogs that had been salvaged and used specimens from a couple of other breeds as well.

By the 1970s, the Broholmer was back and going strong due to the fact that the country refused to accept their beloved dogs be taken from their land and go into extinction.  The dogs had played a very important role in the history of the country and they simply could not hear of them being totally out of the picture.  He had survived the implications of the war and was now back on his paws, not only surviving but thriving as well.

The DKK made the important decision that it was up to them to make sure the breed stayed healthy.  They definitely wanted to increase the population but to do so in a responsible manner that was conducive to the health and well-being of the dogs.  They put a good amount of breeding restriction on the Broho for that reason.  The standards involved temperament testing on both parents and a number of medical tests had to be performed as well on the pups and parents.  The hips and elbows were checked thoroughly.  Dogs who didn’t pass could not become parents and the puppies who did not pass these tests were not allowed to be registered.

The Broholmer became a popular guard dog, especially used by the wealthy Danes to guard their precious property.  By 2009, they were being imported into the United Kingdom where they were guard dogs as well as companion dogs. 

But...there was a problem.  The dogs that had already been imported into the United States had a spinal cord disorder in their genes.  The condition, known as Degenerative Myelopathy which is somewhat similar to Lou Gehrig’s Disease (in humans) which is also known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.  The condition entails the decrease of white matter located within the spinal cord which is a key player when it comes to the brain giving a command to the limbs.  With diminished white matter, the signals do not read clear and the limbs suffer. 

A large number of dogs who had come to the United States succumbed to the issue of Degenerative Myelopathy and others just suffered from it, sadly.  It became a good reason for those in the United States not to even entertain the thought of getting one.  But, thankfully, all of that has changed.

All of the imported dogs turned out having this genetic ailment.  They had not been presented to the Broholmer Delskabet though which is the Danish organization for protective breeding and assurance of Broholmer health. 

Finally, one healthy Broholmer was imported into the US in 2010 but he was never bred within the states.  The breed is growing in popularity as a very capable guard duty canine and a wonderful companion and family pooch as well.


The Broholmer is a strong and stout, good looking dog.  He closely resembles and Mastiff...and rightly so.  He has a lot of Mastiff in him and has even been given the nickname “The Denmark Broholmer” for that very reason. 

Standing about 2 ½ feet tall on average for males and a few inches shorter for females, this dog has a powerful presence.  Males weigh in around 110 to 150 pounds and females tend to run around 90 to 130 pounds.

Even the walk of the Broholmer is dominant.  His bark is quite impressive as well.  His body is square in shape and rectangular and his head is big, massive in fact.  The length and width of his skull and the entire length of his nose is supposed to be of equal length and, as you might imagine, he head is not carried too high because it is large and heavy.

The coat of a Broho is short, serried and smooth to the touch although it sports a bit of coarseness too. It tends to lay close to his skin in a neat and tidy fashion.

The underfur is soft and quite thick.  The outer coat is usually brown, brown with a reddish cast, black, yellow, or light-colored.  There may be some white markings on his coat as well and he may or may not have a black mask on his facial area.  Typically, a yellow coated of this breed will have a black mask, a titan or black will have white on his chest, paws, and the tip of his tail.

His legs are very robust, thick and muscular.  Everything about this dog screams of might and power.  He is thick too but not fat in any way...or, he shouldn’t be.

Pet Crate Size

Pet Crates Direct recommends a 54" dog crate* for most adult Broholmers.


The Broholmer is generally a calm dog unless there is trouble lurking in which case he is anything but calm.  He is extremely social and friendly around his family members and those he knows but if very wary of strangers.

He’s a robust dog but the Broholmer doesn’t tend to be hyper.  He’s about average in energy.  He absolutely loves the outdoors.  Although he doesn’t mind coming in for the night or to have a tasty treat and some downtime with his beloved family, the Broholmer is certainly not fit to be an inside dog or to live in a small space dwelling like an apartment or a condo.  Neither is he a candidate to be ousted to the backyard all the time without much interaction.  He’s a very sociable guy who would be heartbroken to not be included in everything.

Although he can appear otherwise and can be a toot to tangle with if you are an intruder, the Broho is a good-natured and affectionate soul.  He’s actually very good with people, especially children who he tends to bond with.  He is quite adaptable although he doesn’t care for being teased and having his hair pulled, he does put up with it within reason.  It’s always best to supervise any dog around young children, especially a large breed that’s the size of this gigantic Teddy Bear.

Although he can get along with other dogs, especially if he is raised alongside them from puppyhood, he also has a tendency to be fussy about dogs in general, especially if they are strangers. It is best if your Broholmer is an only dog in the household to be one the safe side.  He is vert iffy with cats too so being the only pet is awesome for him.  He’s an attention hog too so it is wise to have him and him alone if possible. You definitely don’t want him around pocket pets like hampsters, pet mice, and so forth. He has a bit too much hunter left in his blood for taking that chance.  Birds are out of the question too, as a rule.

Socialization is a must and it should come early on in the pup’s life.  He needs to know, in no uncertain terms, who is a friend and who is a foe.  He’s highly trainable and is given to want to please his humans so that’s a huge plus for him. He doesn’t have severe separation anxiety like some of the other breeds but definitely doesn’t like to spend much time away from his family, unless of course if it’s him making the call because he’s so busy having fun outdoors.

This guy is a homebody.  He doesn’t like to venture too far on his own.  He can be territorial but not usually aggressive about it, just attached.  He is generally good with other dogs and can get along with cats as well.  Again, early socialization is imperative.

You can’t find a much better dog than a Broho when he’s exercised and well-trained.  He’s a big lug of love!


The Broho is a funny guy when it comes to exercising.  He’s got some energy but he uses it on what he feels is fitting and then...all done.  You are likely to see him romp around a play a bit or go with you on an outing or a walk and then plop down in the shade for a good, long nap.  He’s not a lazy dog by any means but he’s surely not overly energetic either.

Still, this big guy needs to exercise.  He won’t be happy nor will he be happy if he doesn’t get at least 30-45 minutes of good walking in each and every day.  Twice per day is even better!

Before you start out, you’ll need to establish your leadership role.  The Broho is a little independent but not too much so.  Sometimes he may think he knows better is the only reason he may buck, not to be stubborn on purposed.  And...he’s big so you must have control before leaving the house.

When you bring him home, immediately let him know that you are the boss.  Do it in a kind, yet assertive way, of course.  When you are walking him, be the leader he needs you to be.  You invite him to go for a walk.  You walk out the door first and walk beside or in front of him.  Don’t let him get distracted during his walk.  Formal walking time is just that...time set aside for a nice paced walk, not to pee on every bush.

In between his walks, play physical activities with him, to help him get exercise and for the purpose of bonding together.  Frisbee, fetch, and a good game of chase is all right up his alley.  He isn’t one to entertain himself physically a lot if you don’t encourage him to do so. But, he loves interaction with people so it is basically up to you to help him be as active as possible.

Don’t forget to mentally stimulate him as well.  He’s an intelligent breed so his mind can get very bored if you don’t help him think of things to do.  He can solve doggie puzzles and work treat mazes. He’ll be quite proud of himself so show him you are proud too.

This Nordic Dog loves to go with you, no matter where it is you’re going.  So, what not take him along? He loves to hike, walk or run beside you while you bike, and some even like to swim. He sees no reason he should miss out so...why make him?


As mentioned before, the Broho must have leadership in order to thrive.  He is too big of a dog to not be totally under control of his owner or handler.  He is generally cooperative but any dog can take a spin so, you have no choice but to train him.  You’ll be glad you did though.

With kindness, love, trust, and a couple of treats now and then, this dog is a brilliant and cooperative student.  The sky is the limit.  Be sure to give him loads of praise and let him know he has pleased you.  That is basically all you need to do when teaching a Broholmer.

Potty training is a good thing to accomplish even if your dog is going to be outside all the time.  You never know when a situation may warrant him needing to come inside the house for a time.  The weather, his just can’t be sure so be on the safe side and housebreak him when he is young, regardless.  Besides, this big dog loves nothing more than to cuddle on the couch with you after a nice long walk.

Since the Broho is one who naturally wants to do his business outdoors and isn’t bothered by the cold or heat, you should have no trouble potty training him.  Plus, he’s at an advantage since his bladder is larger than most puppies’ are.  He’ll take right to it if you lavish him with praise when he goes in the designated spot he is supposed to.

Socializing is another training in store for him when he’s young.  This is one dog that it’s not optional with.  He has to be socialized in order to be the fine dog he should be.  Take him to a variety of places like loud spots, places of solitude, busy places, etc.  Take him around an assortment of people too - young people, old people, loud people and quiet people too.  The more you expose him to, the more he’ll get used to a wide spectrum of situations and people.  Don’t forget to take him around other dogs and a cat or two too.

You’ll want to work on manners and bad behaviors too.  This dog can bark and his bark is rather loud and intimidating.  While you’d never think of banning barking altogether, he will need to be trained to hush when told.  He’ll also need to be taught to back off when commanded too.  He doesn’t know his own might so it is up to you to train him properly and to keep him from attacking on his own decision and not at your command.  Be sure he learns not to jump on people or even in their lap.  He could certainly hurt someone, especially an elderly person or a child.

Obedience training is next up.  He is very smart and is given to want to please you so with some love, direction, and lots of praise, he’ll ace the challenge, no doubt.  Don’t stop at the basic commands.  He’s far more capable than that.  Also, be sure he minds you when you don’t have a treat in hand.  If that’s the only time he will obey, it is you who is trained rather than him.  Be sure you can tell him to come or sit and he will, immediately without even thinking about it.  Obedience training is for his safety and well-being as well as for your own and for the animals and other people he will encounter during his lifetime.

Trick training this breed is lots of fun and it’s entertaining to watch him perform because he is so gigantic.  He can do such things as the basic, shaking and giving high fives, but he can also master bigger and better things such as fetching his toys or treats by name and a number of other fun things he can do to show off.

Brain game training is excellent for this breed.  He is super smart so you can find great games for him online and in hard copy.  Training him in this arena will keep his brain stimulated and will help keep him from getting bored.  Remember he was once a guard dog and a hunter too.  He had to use a lot of brainpower to accomplish his jobs.

The Broholmer is more of an endurance athlete than a quick and agile one but you can still try him out on the agility course. You can even make him one for his own turf so he doesn’t feel intimidated by being slower.  You might also train him for the lure course.  He has plenty of great hunting skills.

Training the Bro is a pleasure once he begins to get it down that he gets something in return, even if it’s just your praise and attention.  After all, that’s what he really longs for.


The Broholmer doesn’t require a lot in the way of maintenance.  He doesn’t shed a lot since his hair is short and course.  But, he does shed some, especially in the change of season times.  You’ll want to give him a good brushing at least once a week and two or three times during the spring and fall months.  He’s such a loving dog, he’ll enjoy you giving him some positive strokes.

Baths are another thing entirely.  He may not appreciate them so much.  Good thing he should only need one every now and then, maybe three to four times per year unless he gets into a mud puddle, smells gamey, or encounters a skunk.  When you do bathe him, be sure and use a hypoallergenic dog-friendly shampoo.  When he’s all shampooed and rinsed, fluff him dry with a towel to get his wiry hair back to protecting him like nature intended for it to do.

You’ll want to look him over every time you brush or bath him.  Check for cuts or scrapes, stickers, ticks and anything else that doesn’t belong on him.  Doctor him up if need be.  This dog certainly won’t tell you if something is ailing him...he’s a big boy! But, that can be to his downfall too so check him well and often too.

He should naturally wear down his toenails if he’s outside enough of rough surfaces.  Still check for splits, tears, and chips in the nails and if he has any, tend to them immediately so they don’t get worse.  Also, check for dried caked up mud in between his paw pads and under his nails as well.

Be sure to check his ears as often as you can.  He is susceptible to ear infections.  Keep them clean and dry and if he paws at them or they look red, swollen, or irritated, take him into his vet immediately.  Untreated ear infections are serious.  They can warrant surgery or even lead to deafness.

Brushing his teeth will help prevent tartar buildup which leads to tooth decay.  It will also help prevent gum disease.  Brush his teeth at least once per week.  Using a tempting flavor of doggie toothpaste and a dog-friendly toothbrush will help gain his cooperation.

The Broho doesn’t need much in the way of grooming - no need to have him professionally shaved or his nails painted... but what he does need should not be neglected.


Since the Danish Mastiff is a very large dog breed, his diet most assuredly needs to be tailored for big dogs of his size.  It often takes larger dogs longer to develop than it does smaller dogs and you don’t want him to eat too much and grow too fast because that can cause big problems for his health.  Serious strains can result from growing too rapidly.  So, be sure and talk to his vet and/or breeder to get recommendations on the type of dog food that is best for him as well as the quantity and frequency he should be fed.

It is very possible you’ll need to feed him more often as a puppy, small meals throughout the day.  A puppy dog food is usually advised for the first year or so.  As he grows, that should change, however.  When he’s about one year old, you’ll most likely be giving him adult formula dog food.

There is a myriad of poor quality dog foods out there so...beware.  Between toxins and tricks the dog food companies pull to make byproducts sound like a positive, beneficial thing and other manipulations, you’ll want to do your homework on his food as well as get advice so you can be certain he’s getting top quality instead of junk.  This dog is at risk enough for health issues.  He doesn’t need any push in the wrong direction.  You might also consider going organic due to GMO and pesticides being in many dog foods.

There is the possibility of the Broho becoming overweight because he loves to eat and while he’s usually up for a walk with you or into going to do fun activities with you, he can be a bit on the relaxed side too.  If he eats more calories than he’s burning, he can become obese which is as dangerous for dogs as it is for people.  Obesity can lead to Diabetes, undue pressure being placed on the bones and joints, heart problems and a ton of other troublesome medical woes.  Keep an eye on how much he is eating, make sure he gets plenty of exercise, and talk to his vet if he’s still on the chunky side.

As with all animals, be sure he has an ample supply of fresh, clean water at all times that it is within easy reach, especially when he’s outdoors and playing.  He could tip it over.  There are a number of solutions you might look into like a free-flowing water system for him.


The life expectancy of the Broholmer is 7-12 years.  That is somewhat shorter than most dogs, even large breeds. 

It is vital to acquire your dog from a breeder who is responsible and reputable.  Make sure she or he has tons of verifiable references and don’t hesitate to call and check them out.  This breed is a big temptation for irresponsible and greedy breeders to try to sell for a profit who are not in the best physical shape.  Do be sure to ask for the puppy’s test papers and all other paperwork besides and check out both parents as well.  If a breeder refuses or gives you a problem about providing all the paperwork requested, there’s obviously something being hidden so...beware.  You don’t want to spend your hard-earned money supporting a breeder who is doing wrong.  It is not fair for the pups and for future pups either.

There are some medical conditions this dog is prone to get or is at least more vulnerable than some to get.  Knowing the signs and symptoms of them gives you the advantage of seeking early diagnosis and treatment should he come down with any.

Here are some of the medical maladies and their symptoms you should be aware of:

The growth and development of Broho puppies can be a dangerous time.  They are large dogs that can weigh a good bit when young which can place a lot of strain on their joints, muscles, and bones.  It’s not a good idea to let them engage in strenuous exercise while they are still developing and neither is it wise to let them jump off high places of flop down the staircase.  It is recommended that you encourage them to be easy on themselves when they are young so their bodies can grow at the rate they need to in order to support their weight and realize that since they are large dogs, they will tend to take more time to properly develop.

Although Myelopathy is now under control for this breed, there still is the potential for the problem.  It involves a failure of the signal that goes from the brain to the limbs to function properly due to a lack of white matter in the spine that helps transmit the signal.  If your dog is having trouble walking or appears to be losing coordination, be sure to have him checked at the vet.

Hip Dysplasia is a condition large dogs are prone to get and the Broho is no exception.  The problem entails an abnormal formation of the socket that the hip fits into. It can be a total misfit or a loose fit.  Often the bone will come out of joint with this condition causing pain and lameness.  It can lead to crippling, painful arthritis of the joints, and even lameness.  The trouble is usually genetic in nature but can also be due to the environment if a dog is always running on rough terrain or jumping from great heights.  Sometimes, both are the culprits.  As a dog ages, this condition tends to show up or worsen.  If your dog is limping, favoriting a leg, or can’t walk, be sure to take him to the vet clinic where he can be tested for this condition.  There are treatments his vet can go over with you in the event he is diagnosed with it.

Elbow Dysplasia is the same scenario as Hip Dysplasia except it is in the elbow region.  The same symptoms will be noted and the cause and treatment is the same as well.

Cardiac Disease is something that the Broho is susceptible to, unfortunately. It is basically the same as it is in humans.  The heart fails to be able to function properly and cannot support the demands of the body.  Large dogs tend to have more of an issue with heart problems than smaller dogs do. As heart disease progresses, it can go on to Congestive Heart Failure which is a chronic condition.  The symptoms of Cardiac Disease are fatigue, sleeping a lot, weight loss, refusal to exercise, weight gain, difficulty in breathing, coughing, and depression.  He may also have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep.  If you think your dog may have a problem with his heart, get him in for tests.  There are a number of tests which can reveal the condition and the quicker he can begin treatment, the better quality of life he will have.

Entropion is one of the many problems that can occur within the eye of a Broholmer. It is genetic in nature and involves a condition where a portion of the dog’s eyelid is folded inward or...inverted.  The problem can easily cause an eyelash to scratch or irritate the inner surface of his eye which can be slightly bothersome or serious, depending upon how severe it is. Ulceration can develop.  Dark-colored scar tissue can build up over the wound too which further complicates the problem.  If your dog has this eye condition, your vet will discuss treatment options for him.

Ectropion is basically the opposite of Entropion except it is in reverse. The condition is present when the dog’s lower eyelids droop or roll out. It is more common that the opposite problem and can affect one or both of his eyes.  It is a common ailment of certain breeds including the Broholmer, Great Danes, Bloodhounds, and many others.  

Cataracts can be caused by old age, disease, trauma to the eye area, or by heredity.  Most of the time in this breed, it is due to genetics. The condition involves a blurry spot being on the lens of the eye which can be the size of a pin head or can cover the entire lens area. It can be present at birth when it is genetic in nature.  It is easy to see if it is of good size but difficult to diagnose if it is tiny.  The film can distort vision and can actually lead to blindness if not treated.  The treatment is a simple one so if you note your dog has a film on the lens of his eye, be sure to take him in to be checked out.  Even if you don’t see it, if he is bumping into things and showing signs of not seeing well, you’ll want to have him examined.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy is also called PRA. It is a group of diseases that are genetic in nature that is seen in certain breeds such as the Broholmer.  It is quite a bit like Retinitis Pigementosa is in humans.  It involves the bilateration degeneraltion of the retina within the eye.  It causes progressive vision loss and ends up resulting in blindness.  There is no certain length of time it takes from the onset until blindness takes place and if your dog has this condition, he may never live to be totally blind even if he lives a long, full life. Dogs are very flexible and adaptable and can live happy lives even if they do lose their sight.

Skeletal Growth Abnormalities can affect the Danish Mastiff, especially since he is a large dog.  The condition is clinically called Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy (HOD) and it is caused by the growth plates becoming inflamed. The plates are within the long bones.  Swelling, pain, loss of appetite, fever, and discomfort are all part of the condition. The fact that he may grow too fast for his size as a pup is one reason he is prone to this problem.  Dogs with UAP are often unable to walk, or lame, and the condition can quickly develop into degenerative joint disease or arthritis. If you suspect your Broho has this problem, seek help from his vet immediately.

While there is an unusually long list of maladies the Broho is suspeptble to, that doesn’t mean your dog will get any of the conditions listed.  Hopefully, he will live a long and healthy life.  But, the best thing you can do to ensure that is to keep a watchful eye on him for any signs that something isn’t right.

Is a Broholmer the Right Dog For Me?

If you think this Danish delight is the dog you’d like to have guarding your castle, it’s time to ask yourself some soul-searching questions.  Answer them honestly.  There are Broholmers who have been surrendered because their prospective pet parents didn’t take the time to weigh things all out.  He deserves your time and consideration.

Fist and foremost, are you able to handle a dog of the Broho’s size?  True, he’s a great dog with an excellent disposition but...the time could come when he is sure he should go after someone when in fact, he should not.  Any number of scenarios could take place to where you’ll need to be able to control him and he’s a big dog!

Are you active enough to commit to taking him for daily walks and playing with him too?  He’ll never be at his peak of health or happiness if you don’t.  Furthermore, like most dogs, he’ll get naughty if he gets too much energy pent up.  He doesn’t require a whole lot in the way of exercise but does require at least a half-hour per day...every day.  Are you up for that? He needs someone to encourage him to be active.  Will you be his someone?

Do you have other dogs or animals in the household?  The Broho can be trained to be around other animals, especially if he is raised with them but he also makes an awesome only pet.  If you do have other pets, be very wary about taking him in.  You might even bring him to the house for a trial run to see how things go first.

This dog is one you have to train.  He’s easy to train but training is not optional. It has to be done.  If you are not up for it, there is the alternative of having professional training do the job.  One or the other must take place though.  He’s too large to be the one in charge of you and until he is trained, that’s how it will be.

Can you be assertive and kind? The Broholmer is a dog who needs a good leader.  If you don’t step up to the plate to be one, he will and that’s not good for either one of you.  Make sure it is within your capabilities to be the dominant leader for this pooch but in a kind and loving way.

The Broho isn’t always the healthiest dog.  Are you willing to love him for better or for worse?  He may not live as long as other breeds either.  Are you able to share your heart for the time he does have?

If you have read and studied all the things about this dashing Danish and have found that he is the one for you, with all things considered, then...congratulations.  You may have just found the perfect addition to your kingdom.

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