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7 Puppy Training Mistakes First Time Owners Make

Puppy Training

Did you know that humans domesticated dogs more than thirty thousand years ago? However, even though we have thousands of years of experience, it can still feel like an uphill battle to train a puppy. 

Luckily for you, we're here to help. In this article, we'll take you through the top puppy training mistakes that you need to know about and how you can avoid those problems.

So keep on reading and we'll take you through everything that you're going to want to know!

1. Waiting to Train Your Puppy

Just like with people, the earlier you train and teach your puppy, the easier and more successful the training process will be. There's some truth to the expression "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" after all. 

You shouldn't wait until your dog is older to start training them. Instead, from the moment you have your new puppy, it's time to start training them. 

A young puppy might not be ready to take on advanced skills but you can start puppy potting training, boundary setting, and teaching simple commands. 

2. Deciding Not to Crate Train

Crate training is the process of teaching your puppy that their crate is a familiar and safe space. Some people choose not to crate train because they think it's unimportant or because they want the dog to feel free to roam.

While it's great to give your dog freedom, crate training will teach them discipline and create a safe space. Dogs are naturally den dwellers and proper crate training can help give them the den that they instinctively desire. 

The crate you choose should be big enough for the dog to stand, sit, and lie in. A crate that's too small will make your dog anxious and uncomfortable. 

You can place treats in the crate to help your dog get used to going into the space. 

3. Giving Your Dog Free Roam

Puppies are curious and it's natural to want to give them the freedom to explore. However, when your puppy is young, they have no sense of boundaries.

Your dog is likely to go into spaces that they're not allowed in. They might make a mess, have an unexpected potty accident, and chew up valuables. They might even hurt themselves.

By setting boundaries from the start, you can more easily help your dog understand what is and is not appropriate. 

You can use tools like baby gates in your home to set up physical boundaries. This way, you can rest easy knowing that your dog is safe within the confines that you've designated. 

As your puppy grows and continues through its training, you can expand the boundaries more and more. 

4. Not Setting Up a Daily Routine

The first several months of a puppy's life are when they're most impressionable. This is when you'll want to teach them when and where to go to the bathroom, train, play, sleep, and eat. 

Setting up specific times when these activities take place will help your puppy establish healthy and appropriate behavior. Your puppy will quickly pick up on the routine and come to expect to do these activities at the specified times. 

If you're inconsistent with your times during the training then your puppy will become confused and the routines won't stick. This will lead to potty accidents, poor eating habits, and worse. 

Come up with a schedule at the start and do your best to stick to it. 

5. Punishing the Puppy for Potty Accidents

You should never use physical punishment on your puppy. This will lead to mistrust and anxiety for your furry friend. 

It's easy to become frustrated when your dog has an accident. But you need to remember that your puppy is still learning. 

Don't yell at them and don't push their face into the mess. Your puppy likely won't understand why you're mad, they'll just become afraid of you. They might become secretive or reluctant to go potty which can make things worse. 

If you find an accident in your home, clean it up and continue to set boundaries for your dog. 

6. Not Socializing Your Puppy

First off, you shouldn't socialize your dog until they have gotten their vaccinations. However, once they're good to be around other dogs, you should encourage them to socialize. 

Keep a watchful eye on your dog and try to have them interact with dogs your size. If you keep your puppy away from other dogs, they will likely become fearful or aggressive to other animals as they get older. 

You don't want to have the dog that all other dog owners try to avoid. 

7. Repeating Commands

If you're trying to get your dog to do something like sit, don't just yell at them over and over and wait for them to follow the command. When you say a command too many times in a row, your dog will become desensitized to the word. 

Give your dog a clear and direct order. Guide them to follow the command and reward them when they do it right. 

Make Sure to Avoid These Puppy Training Mistakes

Hopefully, after reading the above article, you now understand what mistakes to avoid when puppy training. As we can see, training a puppy takes a lot of work. But if you do it properly, you'll have a loyal friend for life.

Are you interested in buying a crate for your pet? If so then contact us today and see how we can help you!

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