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7 Dog Crate Training Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Dog Crate Training Mistakes

About 68% of American households own at least one dog. Our pets make our families complete and they bring so much joy to our lives and it's important that we do the same for them.

The first is creating a comfortable and safe home. If you're getting ready to bring a pup into your home, you need to know how to train them.

In this article, we are going to tell you about seven dog crate training mistakes that people make. Keep reading to learn how to properly care for and teach your dog.  

1. Choosing the Wrong Location

Where you place your dog's crate is crucial. You want your pet to feel safe and secure in their crate. If you place the crate in a room that isn't used often, your pup may not want to get in it.

Your dog wants to be around you and eventually, they may want to be in it even when they don't have to be. Having the crate in a separate room will make them feel isolated and alone, especially while they are still learning. Keeping the crate in sight will allow you to monitor how your pup is doing and it will establish trust between you and your dog. 

2. Leaving Their Collar On

There is always the potential that your dog will get out through an open door by accident and having a collar on can help someone find you. However, when they are in their crate, they can't get out, so there is no need for them to have their collar on.

While you want them to get used to wearing a collar too, it can be dangerous for them. It could get caught on the side or top and injure them.

If they aren't comfortable in a collar yet, they may also have trouble sleeping in their crate. Some pups have reactions to the collars at first and you can give their skin a break while they are in the crate. 

3. Using the Crate as Punishment 

You want the crate to become your dog's home. Similar to your bed, you want them to feel comfortable in it. If you use the cage as punishment, they will become afraid of it.

This will prolong the house-training process and could do some emotional damage. Puppies respond much better to positive reinforcement. Giving them treats and different types of dog rewards when they go into their willingly will be more effective than forcing them into the cage when they do something wrong. 

4. Hitting the Crate

One of the top dog crate training mistakes that people make is by hitting the top or side of the cage. It can be frustrating if your dog won't settle down at night or is barking, but shaking the crate and yelling at them will only instill fear. They will learn to hate their bed and you'll have a hard time bonding with them. 

If your dog is whimpering or whining, he or she may be trying to tell you something. They may be feeling anxious or have to go to the bathroom. Dogs have feelings and you wouldn't yell at a person if they were scared, so you shouldn't do it to your pet. 

5. Leaving Your Dog in Too Long

Crating training takes time and should be done gradually. Many people stick their dogs in a cage and leave them for hours. This is the opposite of what you should do. Starting slow will show them that their crate is safe. 

When you first bring your puppy home, make a schedule. You can start with interval training. Put them in the cage for a minute or two at a time and then take them outside to potty and play.

Then increase the time to five minutes, then ten, and then 30. This should not be done in one day. Do this over the span of a few weeks. This will show your dog that you are always going to come back and let them out. 

The goal is not to work up to eight and ten hours. The purpose of interval training is to teach them right and wrong, so when you're at work or running errands you can let your dog roam around the house. 

6. Choosing the Wrong Size

Choosing the right dog crate size for your animal is essential. You'll see issues if you purchase one too big or too small. 

When you're trying to crate train your dog, you want to create a comfortable dog bed, but you don't want there to be room for them to use the bathroom in the corner. It's likely your dog is going to grow out of the first cage you purchase.

You may not want to spend loads of money buying different sizes as they grow. Many large cages come with extra parts that you can use to divide the cage. You can slowly make the cage bigger as they grow.  

7. Not Giving Them Enough Attention

Your new pet is going to have a lot of energy. It's important that you give them a lot of attention.

Exercising your dog by playing with them or taking them on walks will make it easy to encourage them into their kennel. If they are wound up, they will not want to go into the crate to lie down. 

Dog Crate Training Mistakes

Having a dog can make your family feel complete and you want to ensure your pup feels loved. Researching training signals for dogs can help you get your dog acclimated to their new home and environment. Avoiding the common dog crate training mistakes that people make will also ensure your dog is happy and healthy. 

Getting to know your dog can take your time and if you have any questions contact us here. We have many more training tips and we can help you decide which supplies and toys are best for your new family member. 

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