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5 Interesting Dog-Friendly Holidays You Can Enjoy With Your Family

Pet Travel Travel

Dog holidays

A family holiday is something everybody loves. The sun, the fun, and the food – a holiday is like a week in paradise, wouldn’t you agree? However, when you go on a “family” holiday, there is often someone who is left behind and they are also a crucial part of the family – the dog. Many hotels with not allow pets in their rooms and, as a result, your little dog cannot come on holiday with you. This means that you will often have to find a dog sitter which will cost time and lead to a few headaches if it is last minute. What the ideal situation would be is to bring your dog along with you.

In fact, luckily for you, there is a load of holidays that accept dogs and some of them can be fun for all the family. They will allow you to bring your dog along and enjoy all the family antics that follow. Some of the holidays available also allow your dog to meet other dogs and form long-lasting relationships. Many of these holidays also feature some sort of event, so you can meet other like-minded individuals who enjoy taking the dog on holiday as well. In summary, if you love your dog and want to bring them on holiday with you, a dog-friendly holiday is something you need to try out.

In this article, we will be going through some of the best destinations to take your dog when you go on holiday. As I said above, some of them are based on some sort of event, so have that in the back of your mind when reading. However, if you’re eager to see where you take your dog on your next holiday, continue to read this article.

Skyhoundz Frisbee Dog Championships

If you want to take your dog and family to a more active event suitable for dogs, why not take yourself down to the Frisbee Championships. This competition and holiday is perfect for any dog that enjoys playing catch with a Frisbee and any dog can get involved. It is designed for all the family and will be a fun experience. When you come to this event you will notice that there are some very professional teams on the field. There are some big players that come to this competition and watching them is a joy. There are even events where dogs have to do tricks and freestyle moves when they are catching the Frisbee, so look out for acrobatic dogs in the air. If you’re looking for an exciting holiday with your dog, we urge you to check out Skyhoundz.

World’s Ugliest Dog Championship, Petaluma, CA

This one is a funny little holiday that you can take your dog and will give you and your family a few laughs. The Ugliest Dog Competition might seem like a harsh event but it attracts attention from all around the world as there are some very odd looking dogs that enter this competition. All dogs are welcome to this event and they don’t have to be bad looking either. The winner of this competition receives an award of $1000, so entering isn’t a bad idea. Although these dogs are odd looking, they have amazing personalities and are sure to make you laugh. So, if you feel like going on a fun-filled holiday with ugly dogs, the championship in California is the place to go.

AKC Agility Championship

This is another active holiday for your dog the agility championships are the place to be. This competition makes for an excellent destination for a holiday with your dog and family and you will be amazed at some of the dogs entering in these competitions. If you like speed and thrills, this is an incredible event for you. The competing dogs will have to run around a course with complex barriers that they have to weave around and jump over. There are three different build-ups to the finals and it is a scene you need to watch. If you are looking for a thrilling holiday with a lot of cheers, this is the place for you.

Woofstock, Toronto

If none of the above interest you and you’re eager to meet other dog owners who are just like you, you might benefit from going to Woofstock in Toronto. The event brings thousands of dog’s and their families where they can experience a range of fun and interesting events. This event doesn’t involve any serious competitions like the destinations above and adds a little fun to the mix. When you go to Woofstock, be ready to experience dog speed dating, pug races, and silliest trick competitions. So, if fun and laughter is more your thing, you and your family will certainly love coming to this event.

National Dachshund Races

This destination is only applicable to a certain dog and it is in the name of the event – the Dachshund. If you are the owner of a Dachshund, this competition is going to be excellent for you and your family. This event is a race where your dog will have to race against other Dachshunds. It is definitely a sight to see – little sausage dogs running as fast as they can around a course. This is another event that is suitable for families who feel like having a laugh but it is also a great place to meet other like-minded Dachshund owners. If you like to meet people on holiday, this is the place to go.

Final Words

When you go on holiday, it can be difficult to leave your dog behind. They are a part of the family and they should be there to have fun and enjoy the silly things you get up to. In addition, having a dog sitter can be expensive and can leave you worried wondering whether they are ok sat at home by themselves. That is why, for your next family holiday, you should consider going to a dog-friendly one as suggested above. The events above are excellent and can make for an excellent weekend. They are not too expensive and some of them are in nice locations. The next time you’re looking for a dog-friendly holiday, remember to consider this list beforehand.

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