Aspen Pet Stay A Round
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Product Description
Get around, get around...your dog gets around. Make sure as your dog does get around that he is safely contained within his limits. The patented innovative Petmate Aspen Pet Stay A Round lets your dog have his bone and eat it too. It gives him the freedom he longs for with a complete 360-degree tangle-free area of mobility while keeping him contained while he “gets around”. This great product features a removable, non-tip built-in bowl so you never have to worry that he will be without fresh food or water.
This Petmate Stay A Round is portable so you can take it anywhere your dog goes. It’s also lightweight. The outdoor stakes can be easily stored right beneath the unit. For pups that don’t have a fenced yard, this cable tie-out is perfect and is also ideal for taking to the park, lake, or to visit friends where a containing fence is not available.
The Stay A Round works like a charm with a standard leash when in a small area. Constructed of heavy-duty durable molded plastic, this is a one-size-fits-all up to 60 lbs. The tie-out and the leash are sold separately and the dish has a three cup capacity where the dimensions are 11" x 11" X 3". The unit weighs in at 0.25 lbs. Please note that aggressive dogs should never be left unattended when on a cable or tie-out and pet parents should always check the security of the system regularly to assure that all is well.
I had a dog that died because he got tangled up and could not get to his water. It happened in an instant and I have never gotten over it. When I take my dog to a place where there is no fence and I have to contain him with a chain, I am always paranoid about him running out of water, as you might imagine. I was delighted to run across this set-up. I feel so much better. I never leave him unattended for long but during the time I do, it’s nice to know he has a tip-free bowl of water available for him.