Schnoodle - Fun Facts and Crate Size


Quick Facts

  • Not AKC Recognized
  • Lifespan: 10-15 years
  • Size: small
  • Energy: high
  • Recommended Crate Size: up to 42" dog crate* (size varies)

Table of Contents


It’s a Teddy bear face you’ve just gotta love and he’s a little firecracker too! The Schnoodle is a proud and popular mix of a full blood Schnauzer with a purebred Poodle.

This dog-gone dandy designer breed is overflowing with personality, as you can imagine. He’s adorable and adaptable, perfect for almost any family.

Small enough to fit perfectly in your lap and active enough to love a long walk, the Schnoodle thrives on being the center of attention. You won’t mind though. He’ll keep you endlessly entertained with his comical antics.


The Schnoodle is a smart dog who has a myriad of awesome qualities which was the exact reason for breeding the Schnauzer and the Poodle. Other names of endearment and other spellings for this dog are Snoodle and Snoodie.

Like his Poodle parent, he aims to please and just as his Schnauzer side, he is active and fun. This hybrid measures up to all that was hoped for with the creation of the Schnoodle.

This dog breed is everything from a lap and family dog to a therapy dog. He is a dog lover’s delight. Being a mix of two pure breeds, there’s no way to know exactly what you will get but usually, the pup is a very happy, fun, loving, small dog.

This dog breed is relatively new on the scene although some believe the breeding of Schnauzer and Poodle actually dates back decades to England where Truffle dogs were created to hunt truffles.

But, as far as recorded genealogy, this mixed breed was developed in the 80’s right when the Poodle crossbreeding frenzy started in order to create a great dog for the family with little dander and very low shedding.

He wasn’t the instant sensation that some of the other designer dogs were but he’s making up for that now. He is gaining a lot of popularity and the demand for pups are high.

This dog is not recognized in the American Kennel Club because he is a hybrid of two different purebred parents. This means there are no true standard guidelines present.

Traditionally, his parents can be any of the three sizes: Miniature Schnauzer, Standard, and Giant, and any of the three sizes of Poodles which are Standard, Miniature, and Toy.

There has been a new twist added recently though with the Giant Schnauzer being bred with the Standard Poodle. Sometimes Standard Schnoodles are bred with other Schnoodles or... Poodles with Schnoodles for what is called the F1b generation.

F1b Schnoodles usually sport the Poodle hairdo and have a lot of Poodle characteristics. If you wondered why there is such a wide variation is Schnoodle sizes, now you know.

The Schnoodle temperament comes from both parents. With strong German roots, the Poodle is known for his extreme intelligence and is said to be the second smartest breed in existence.

They have been around at least since the 15th century because one is featured in a painting from that era.

The Poodle is curly coated and was bred to fetch fallen fowl in the water. He is a lover of people and has made his way into the homes of his parents where he enjoys life in the lap of luxury, literally.

Many pet parents pamper their Poodles with all the royal treatment having them groomed completely with bandanas and bows and for the females, a new coat of paint on their nails with each spa visit.

But don’t let the primping fool you. Poodles are highly trainable so they make excellent watchdogs. They are alert and ever aware of any sign of danger such as a knock at the door, the phone ringing, or perhaps...a home invasion.

They don’t really distinguish well between what seems to be a threat and what really is one but with some coaching, they are sure to catch on and curb their attentive barking.

Poodles do have some shortcomings. They can be mouthy, barking at everything or at nothing at all. They can be stubborn and a little stuck up too.

Schnauzers are characters. They love to perform and have even been known to show off. They are quite smart and trust me, they know it. Also hailing from Germany, this breed was created to be an all-around dog.

He was a ratter, a guard dog, and often times, a companion dog. His good nature and vivacious spirit made him a favorite to be destined to become one of America’s favorite family dogs.

On the downside, Schnauzers can be a little too independent and are apt to give chase to darn near anything that moves because deep down, they will always be ratters. They know no limits and think they are much bigger than they are which can get them into trouble.

Like his parents, this breed is a highly intelligent, happy-go-lucky dog who is loyal beyond measure and flexible too. He can live in a condo or apartment or love every minute of being out on the ranch as an inside-outside dog.

He is highly trainable, loving and caring and thus makes an excellent therapy dog and, not surprisingly, makes a great performing dog too.


You can just about get your Teddy bear in practically any size you want. The Schnoodle ranges from around 6 to 76 pounds and can be anywhere from 10 to 26 inches in height. The fact that they basically come in three sizes accounts for some of the wide variances.

Toy Schnoodles are typically 6-10 pounds and 10-12 inches high. Miniatures run between 12 and 15 inches height and range from 13 to 20 pounds, generally.

Standards are anywhere from 15 to 26 inches high and weigh in between 20 to 75 pounds. The majority of Schnoodles are 20 pounds or under in weight.

Snoodies have a very strong and sturdy stature with a slender upper body. Their hair is usually curly like their Poodle heritage and soft with an undercoat as well.

Some, however, take more after their Schnauzer parent and will have course hair mixed with Poodle-like fur, mainly on their backs. They generally have an undercoat as well.

Coat colors can range from sable, black and white, apricot, silver, gray, black, black and tan, and parti-color.

Schnoodles heads are round on most, their eyes tend to be dark and somewhat almond shaped. Their nose is black and muzzles, short.

Those with dominant Schnauzer genes may sport a beard and mustache, especially since Poodles often have beard and mustaches too but those are generally shaved off during grooming. Most Schnoodles have floppy ears to complete their Teddy bear look.

Their tails are upright or straight except for when they are nervous or upset in which case they tuck them in between their legs as a tell-tale sign that they are not happy.


The needs of a Schnoodle where his feeding is concerned are specialized. It is a good idea to speak to his veterinarian to find out the optimal diet and feeding frequencies. His size will make a definite difference in how much and how often he eats as will his age and activity level.

Most Schnoodies are active, especially when they are puppies. Your vet will discuss their nutritional needs if you make the request. High-quality foods are always the best, especially when dogs are small and don’t eat that much. Proteins are important for lean muscle mass and also extra fat for the concentration of energy.

Your dog’s frequency and amount of food requirements will change as he grows so be sure to find out when to change them.

Treats should be limited. If your dog leans toward overeating and is chubby, his health can easily be endangered. If he doesn’t eat enough, you’ll want to make sure what he does eat is healthy and of optimal nutritional value so either way, treats should be given in moderation.

As with all dogs, make certain he has plenty of fresh water accessible at all times.


Schnoodles are fairly high maintenance when it comes to grooming. That is something they get from both parents. Their coat is hypoallergenic though which is much sought after by pet parents with allergies or who have family members with allergies.

While no dog hair is completely hypoallergenic and some people may still have allergic reactions, this mixed breed poses less risk for dander and hair related allergens than most dogs. They barely shed at all which is another plus.

On the downside, you will need to tend to their hypoallergenic, non-shedding hair needs on a regular basis. It’s just the price you’ll have to pay. Grooming is imperative to keep him healthy and happy. The Schnoodle gets depressed when his grooming is not kept up.

Brushing your Schoodie’s fur three to four times per week is a must. If you don’t, you’ll find it gets matted and tangled beyond belief. Knots are likely to set in that will get tighter in time and it will be a nightmare to get them out.

When he gets wet, he’ll be especially vulnerable to tangles so brush him immediately after a bath or if he takes a dip in the pond or pool. It’s actually a good idea to brush him before he gets wet too.

He will need to be clipped every six to eight weeks at a groomer unless you are skilled enough to do it yourself. Don’t forget to have his beard and mustache attended to if he has them. The pads of his feet will need to be trimmed up too. Once or twice a year his coat will need to be stripped.

His toenails will require clipping on a regular basis. The frequency will be determined by how much he is on surfaces that naturally wear them down. Even if he wears them down well, you’ll still need to check for cracks, chips, and splitting.

Be careful to be vigilant about keeping his ears clean and dry too.


Schnoodle puppies need a lot of regular exercise, and this should continue throughout their lives. You will want to leash train early on so you can bond with him while going out for a walk. Establish that you are the leader from right off the bat.

Always lead and have him walk by your side or slightly behind you, never in front or he will be sure he’s the dominant one and you’ll be in for a world of trouble throughout his life.

A thirty-minute walk bare minimum is required for a dog with such a high energy level. Two thirty minute walks per day would be even better and he can handle even more or some physical activity in addition to the walks. This hybrid has a lot of energy to release and if he’s not doing so constructively, he’ll do it destructively.

Fetch is a favorite physical game. They also enjoy a good jog or brisk walk. If you are going somewhere, they are all in.

Schnoodles take well to agility training. They are quick, energetic, and can master all the moves if you work with them and make it fun. One of their favorite silly stunts in the athletic department is to run in circles with their butt tucked in. It’s hilarious and...they know it.

Schnoodles are also are quite intelligent. They get that from both parents. Keep your Schnoodle mentally active with brain games and physical games that challenge him mentally. He will shock you at times because he’s so smart and catches on so well.

Pet Crate Size

Pet Crates Direct recommends a dog crate that is usually around 42" dog crate* for most larger adult Schnoodles but due to variances in lineage, a smaller size may be required. With this said, a bit larger of a space is definitely better than too small.

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Oh, this dazzling designer crossbreed has got personality alright! This little dog is oozing with it. He loves to have fun and if he’s not being entertained, he will entertain himself...and everyone else for that matter. They are sharp, curious, loving and loyal. They’re active too!

Schnoodles are so attached to their families, they often pick a favorite to get really close to. He’ll love on all family members and perform for them too, but when it comes right down to it, he will most likely be partial to one person. By the way, they have separation anxiety and will whine and cry the entire time they are left alone as a rule.

If you are looking to have a Schnoodle in a small space, like an apartment, it is by far best to get a small one. Larger ones really need room to romp, preferable some land or even a nice fenced backyard.

If he’s around people, though, he’s the life of the party. This hybrid dog is one of the happiest pups ever! He doesn’t ever want to be a spectator. He wasn’t in the middle of the action at all times.

Schnoodles are protective. Sometimes, too much so. He’s quite the little watchdog. They may bark at a stranger non-stop so it is recommended to tend to that matter by training him not to do so while he is still a young pup.

Small and large size Schnoodles may very well have different personalities entirely. Toy and Miniature Schnoodles are energetic and active but the ones that have Giant Schnauzer running through their blood are really a handful. He will need a strong leader or he’ll try to be the dominant one.

All Schnoodles are apt to be a bit stubborn due to the Poodle in them but the Giant Schnoodles takes the cake in that department. The same is true with being territorial where other dogs are concerned. That goes for his toys too!

The Giant Schnoodles are the naughtiest to be quite rash with dogs that they feel are intruding on their space which is the Schnauzer heritage shining through.

It seems the smaller the Schnoodle, the more calm and docile although with any of the sizes, you’ll never get a really laid back dog. They are always up to something or are up in your lap for some petting before jumping right back down to play some more.

Personalities also depend greatly upon the breeding of the dog. With a good breeder, it is much more likely that you will get a good dog with less of the negative traits that with an irresponsible breeder who is greedily just out to make the big bucks. It’s wise to go so far as to ask to meet the parents.

Schnoodles are diggers, typically. They get that from their heritage on the Schnauzer side. They may chase small critters too as Schnauzers are known to do, having ratter in their gene pool.

They are also clingy, especially if there is Mini Schnauzer in the mix. And..they bark! Not only do they bark, but they also bark in a very high pitch which some find to be obnoxious.

One good thing is Schnoodies love to ride in the car. If you are running across town, why not take him along. You’ll be avoiding sending him into a separation panic and can enjoy his company as well. That’s what having this designer breed is all about anyway.

They are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. Pot-luck is basically what you get but most likely, any of them will have at least a tad of their parents’ less than desirable traits.

But the majority of Schnoodles have a good blend of the positive traits from both sides too are one-of-a-kind comedians and awesome companions, spot on with the ultimate goal of their original blueprint.


Schnoodles are a delight to all...if, and only if they are properly trained. They are overflowing with cheerfulness and abounding in endless energy. But, unleashed and unguided, these positive qualities can quickly become out of control and you’ll have one naughty dog on your hands.

Training your Schnoodle should begin as early in puppyhood as possible. First, you’ll want to get potty training down. Very small Schnoodle varieties can be challenging in the potty department as their bladders are small. With consistency and patience though, he’ll eventually become a pro at it.

The Schoodle training class is not for wimps. It can be quite a feat. Often times, their independent and stubborn nature kicks in during class. Nip such behavior in the bud but be careful to do it in a positive manner or you’ll be out of luck. Gain his cooperation by showing him, very lovingly, that you are the alpha leader. Treats and praise go a long way too.

Schnoodies are very intelligent. Once you have his cooperation, he is very capable of catching on to more than you ever dreamed any dog could. The sky’s the limit...but only with his willingness.

Training your Schnoodle is a matter of dog psychology for the most part. You won’t want to use and tactics that involve much roughhousing tug of war, or methods that could encourage aggression, whether in play or for real. You’ll have enough of those tendencies to content with because those things are negative traits he possesses naturally.

Socialization is a big lesson for this crossbreed. Expose him to strangers, children, and other pets but do so in a supervised fashion. Teach him to have manners and play but play nice and fair. Give him goodies and lots of love when he cooperates but be prepared to jump in if he doesn’t ace the lesson.

You’ll be amazed at the tricks he’ll be able to master after he’s got obedience down. He’s no dummy, loves to please and eats up attention.

With good training, this dog will be a star. He would have it no other way!


While all crossbred dogs do inherit the health risks from both sides, the goal of designing a dog was originally to water down the strong genes that leave purebreds vulnerable to certain diseases and conditions.

The plan backfires on many crosses though and they are sitting ducks for the woes on both ends of the spectrum. The Schnoodle seems to have lucked out in this department though for he is generally very healthy since he tends to have more variables in his genes. Most Schnoodles enjoy a life expectancy of between 12 and 15 years.

There are certain health conditions your Schnoodle may be predestined to potentially get. Keeping a watchful eye out for them is helpful so you can get him checked and treated if any manifest is a wise idea.

Obesity is a dangerous medical condition that you actually can help prevent. Regular exercise and paying attention to feeding him correctly and giving him good quality dog food is imperative to prevent such an overweight state.

Obesity is as harmful to dogs as it is for humans and can be the root of issues like heart problems, cancer, and even joint problems.

Hip Dysplasia is a biggie. The condition involves the hip slipping out of the joint and is caused by a deformity or environmental issues. If your dog is limping or unable to walk, be sure to set up an appointment with his veterinarian immediately.

In severe cases, surgery may be required. For preventative measures, try to refrain him from jumping down from high places or overusing his hip joints.

Patellar luxation is another joint problem. It is sometimes referred to as a “trick knee” or “floating patella”. In this condition, the kneecap actually floats or dislocates from its normal place and can cause discomfort or extreme pain. It can also cause limping or fear of putting pressure on the knee. If your dog seems to have trouble getting around or is in pain, consult his vet.

Eye diseases are common. Progressive retinal atrophy is one such ailment seen in Schnoodles. This condition is a genetic disease that can appear in dogs and sometimes in cats too. This breed is at a fairly high risk of acquiring it.

It is like Retinitis Pigmentosa is in humans in that it involves a bilateral degeneration of the eye’s retina. The condition can lead to blindness over time.

If your dog is bumping into things or shows other signs that he is having problems seeing, seek help from his vet as soon as you can. Cataracts are not unusual either but can be surgically corrected if they surface.

Unfortunately, Epilepsy is known to affect Schnoodies. It can be extremely frightening for your dog and yourself. In the event that he has an episode, consult with his vet for advice and possible measures you can take.

Diabetes Mellitus, Gastric Torsion, and Addison’s Disease are other conditions to watch for. If your pup isn’t acting right or isn’t seeming to feel his normal self, be sure to have him checked.

Health problems can occur in any dog. Knowing the medical issues your pup is more likely to have is helpful so you can observe him for any signs of them and get the best care available if he does have any of them. Making sure you get a well-bred dog, to begin with, is imperative as well.

Is a Schnoodle a Good Fit for Me?

Schnoodles are adorable with their Teddy bear features and they're playful, smart, and fun-loving. If you are dreaming of getting one to call your own, there are a few things to take to heart when deciding if he is a match made in heaven for you...or not.

Do you have the time, patience, and money to spend on making him the ultimate dog he was designed to be?

When considering the Schnoodie, it is wise to predetermine what size you are interested in. If you are planning on carrying him around in your pocket and end up with the large Schnoodle, your plans will be botched right there.

Likewise, if you are wanting a jogging partner and end up with a tiny guy who is at high risk for being stepped on or having dangerous encounters with bigger dogs along the way, you may be disappointed.

Where will you be living? Schnoodles make fine apartment dogs as long as they are the smaller versions and are properly exercised and trained not to bark excessively. If you opt for a larger variation, you’ll want to have a backyard or room outdoors to get his overflowing energy out regularly.

Are you willing to take good walks with your pup? No matter which size you get in this designer dog breed, you will need to be committed to walking him.

Do you have the ability and willingness to be his alpha leader? A loving leadership role is imperative for owning this fine dog. He will quickly take charge if allowed to and he will not be a very good dog if he does so. In fact, he will probably be very, very, naughty.

What about his grooming requirements? Do you have the funds to have him groomed regularly by a professional? Are you willing to brush him up to four times every week? If not, this dog won’t be healthy...or happy.

Do you have small children or other pets in the family? If you do, are you willing to socialize him and be consistent to make sure he doesn’t show aggression, possessiveness, and doesn’t become territorial with his space or his toys?

This dog doesn’t realize his size...or doesn’t care. He can get snippy and won’t back down so it is important to train him to do otherwise and to oversee that he remains trained.

If you still feel you are a good fit for the Schnoodle and he is a good fit for you, then congratulations. A Schnoodle is a fun dog that is very adaptable to most situations.

He is a people-lover and is loyal till the end. If this is the dog you are choosing, brace yourself for a life of joy and laughter when you bring this fine fellow into your heart and home.

* Links for crate sizes will bring you to the most appropriate Amazon page.

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